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Thursday through this morning appears to be the start of what's looking likely to be a rainy weekend, at times, throughout Southern Manitoba. Our PembinaValleyOnline Rainwatchers were quick to call in totals, with many regions still much drier than usual at this point in the season.

"Yesterday was the first of several waves of expected precipitation from an upper level low slowly moving out of the U.S. Rockies, and then through the Dakotas over the weekend," explained CMOS Accredited Weathercaster Chris Sumner. "The showers will taper off by noon today, and then we're expecting a break in the rainfall until sometime Saturday morning. From there, it's looking like we could see on again, off again precipitation throughout the weekend."

Get your full weekend forecast, here

The following totals are through 5am Friday, September 22nd, unless otherwise indicated, and are courtesy PembinaValleyOnline Rainwatchers, Environment Canada and the Manitoba Ag Weather Network.

Altona (airport) - 16.6mm
Reinland - 14.5mm
Winkler (south of city) - 14.0mm
Dominion City - 13.2mm
Altona (in town) - 13mm
Gretna - 7.4mm (Thurs only)
Jordan - 7.3mm
Winnpeg (airport) - 6.5mm (Thurs only)
Emerson - 5.8mm (Thurs only)
Horndean (north) - 5mm
Carman - 4.6mm
Steinbach - 3.6mm
Morden - 3.2mm (Thurs only)
Elm Creek - 3.0mm
Manitou - 2.8mm
Kane - 2.5mm
Clearwater - 2.4
Morris - 2.0mm
25mm = 1 inch

So, can we expect a rain out this weekend?

"I wouldn't say a complete rain out, with the odd break here or there, but I do expect it to be pretty wet for much for the weekend, especially once the shower activity begins Saturday, " noted Sumner. "At this point, it's looking like the most significant rainfall will come Saturday evening and overnight into Sunday. Based on the current forecast models, as that upper level low weakens, the shower activity will decrease throughout the day Sunday before we see a shift to a drier pattern Monday."

Sumner added upper level ridging begins next week, meaning a return to drier and sunnier conditions, and also temperatures possibly pushing a few degrees above average for the end of September.

"Currently, highs in the 20 to 24 range appear possible for Monday through Thursday, before a cold front moves through later in the week dropping temperatures closer to seasonal."

Averages for this time of year are 18 for a high and 5 for an overnight low.
