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The more Manitoba utilizes its trade corridors, the more we become a transportation hub for all of North America

Incumbent PC Candidate for Turtle Mountain, Doyle Piwniuk, has been travelling to various parts of the province, campaigning for his Riding, but also serving the province in the role as Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Piwniuk says he regrets missing last week's Candidates' Forum in Melita, but was in northern Manitoba with Premier Heather Stefanson, to meet with the First Nations Chiefs and community leaders to discuss connecting their communities within Island Lakes. 

"There's about 3 major communities that almost all have about 2500 people or more," shares Piwniuk.  "I was there to talk more about the focus on the reconnecting of these roads for a promise into the future."

"I just signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Saskatchewan and Alberta, along with ourselves, with the Ministers, to look at trade corridors. This is important to bring mineral and oils to Hudson Bay, to bring potash, to bring grain up to Churchill," he adds. "This is why we're bringing the solution to what's happening in Europe as an opportunity to have natural resources and commodities go to the port at Churchill and the Hudson Bay."

"This is an announcement we want to work with all First Nations communities to talk about how we connect them all, with this whole corridor, and be part ownership of what's been happening up there," notes Piwniuk. 

Piwniuk says establishing and strengthening these trade corridors benefits all Manitobans. 

"When we look at exporting potash, it's revenues.  It's revenues for the province. It's revenues for the government of Manitoba. It helps pay for healthcare and it helps pay for education, and other services that we provide. And transportation, we provide transportation.  The more we utilize our trade corridors," he says, "and we are a transportation hub for all of North America."

"There are some exciting things that are going to be happening," he adds, "and we want to make sure that we have plans for not just on the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 75, but throughout the whole province."

"It was unfortunate to have missed last week's forum in Melita," Piwniuk adds, "I had my campaign manager let them know I was unavailable, but unfortunately, they still went ahead. Had I the opportunity to do both, it would have been great."

Please listen to more with Doyle Piwniuk below on Manitoba's resources and the trade corridor in northern Manitoba.


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