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We are all in need of saving! I have had the opportunity to be a volunteer firefighter for about six years now. As a firefighter, I often see people when they are having the worst day of their life!

They got in a car accident, or their house and all their possessions were burned down because somebody was forgetful. These are the moments when people are lost and in tears, when they are hurting and looking for somebody to save them!

This reminds me of the brokenness of our world. How sin and pain are all around us. It doesn't take long for each of us to see that our lives need saving. That we need a hope to look towards to help us.

Hebrews 7:25 tells us "Therefore He (Jesus) can save completely those who come to God through Him because He always lives to intercede for them."

God doesn't just put the fires of our life out only to leave us standing in the streets with nowhere to go and no place to live! Rather He seeks to save us completely. He speaks on our behalf to God, who makes all things new! He invites us into HIS home when ours went up in flames. Not as a stranger, who can stay there until we get our lives back together, but as new members of His own family to stay with him forever!

Titus 2:13-14 says "While we wait for the blessed hopeā€”the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good."

We have a blessed hope that God will show up when we are having the worst days of our lives, when we feel like our life is up in flames. We have a God who offers to save us and to give us a new place to live, a place in His presence. You wouldn't turn down a firefighter who is trying to save your home from flames, would you then turn down Christ who is trying to save you?

-Pastor Noah Wieler
Author Alias