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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 October 16, 2023 – October 17, 2023

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 53


0826 hours. Theft. Approximately $2,000 stolen. Still under investigation.

0850 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation.

0908 hours. Unwanted Person. Still under investigation.

0925 hours. Theft. Still under investigation for video.

1007 hours. Mischief. Still under investigation.

1012 hours. Mischief to Property. Window broken, no suspects or cameras.

1016 hours. Mischief to Property. Still under investigation.

1042 hours. Dispute. Advice given.

1049 hours. Mischief to Property.  Still under investigation for video.

1157 hours. Trespass. Subject issued a ticket for trespass.

1236 hours. Hit and Run. Approximately $2500 in damage no suspects or cameras.

1309 hours. Fraud. Complainant out $2890, still under investigation.

1603 hours. Threats Reported. Still under investigation.

1611 hours. Assist to Locate. Subject located safely.

1717 hours. Theft.  Approximately $1200 of items stolen, no suspects or witnesses.

1742 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Approximately $30,000 in damages, 1 ticket issued, 1 minor injury.

1912 hours. Assist to Locate. Subject found and returned home.

0108 hours. Dispute. One subject arrested and held until sober.


Wellbeing Checks – 0

Warrant Executed –2

Assist Other Agency – 7

911 Calls – 5
