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Rita Mah Pon 1937-2023

Rita Mah Pon, aged 86, passed away peacefully in her sleep at William Booth Care Home in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Although she lived most of her life in Moose Jaw, she spent the past 6 years in Regina. Rita was a generous, brave, and kind woman. She came to Canada with her family at the age of 13 and struggled to find her way while simultaneously learning to speak English. During her lunch hour, while attending high school, she would race home to help wash dishes before returning for the afternoon. She overcame many obstacles in her life. While working as a laboratory technician, she met her husband, Franklin Pon. They were wed and later moved to Detroit, Michigan for his residency. They did not have much, but they did have a little bundle of joy, their son Terry. They relocated to Moose Jaw for Franklin’s job as pathologist for the City of Moose Jaw.

Sadly, Rita became a single mother not long after moving. Rita worked hard to keep her son clothed and fed. She was a shrewd shopper and knew how to find bargains. Reading was one of her favorite pastimes. She loved to learn how to do things like build a brick wall, fix a faucet, or caulk a tub. She worked at Canaday’s Apparel. She always managed to fill her son’s thermos with fried rice and take him to whichever activity he was involved in. Her real love was playing tennis. After she retired, if she wasn’t walking to do some shopping, she would play tennis. She was playing tennis well into her late 70’s. If you ate a meal at Rita’s, you never left hungry or empty handed. You were always treated with love, kindness, and generosity. She fell in love with farming and farm animals. Also a gifted artist, many of Rita’s paintings included farm animals including her award-winning chicken painting.

Rita welcomed her daughter-in-law, Elaine, with open arms. The only thing she loved more than her son were her two grandchildren. She spoiled them every way and time that she could. Nothing would light up her face with joy more than seeing her grandkids, Emmett, and Millicent Jax.

Rita Pon married the late Franklin Pon in 1967. Rita leaves to mourn her passing and cherish her memory, her only son, Terry (Elaine) Pon, her brother Ted Mah, her grandchildren Millicent Jax and Emmett Pon, as well as many nieces, nephews, relatives, and friends.

Rita was predeceased by her parents Art Mah and Nancy Kwan; brother Yee Mah; husband, Franklin Pon.

Thank you to the care home folks at Sunset, Marian Chateau, Wolseley Memorial, and the rehabilitation staff at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. We are especially grateful to the William Booth Special Care Home food service staff, caretakers, cleaners, clergy, nurses, and all other caregivers, and the Palliative Care doctors, for guiding, supporting, and comforting Mom in her final journey. Rita truly felt at home at William Booth.

The family thanks you sincerely for sharing their sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and will always be remembered. In place of cards or flowers, please consider donating to the charity of your choosing.

In living memory of Rita, a memorial planting will be made by W.J. Jones & Son Ltd. Please sign the memorial register at website: www.wjjonesandson.com (Obituaries).

Cerys Doan– Funeral Director Intern

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