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The price of diesel is poised to increase (file photo).

Gas prices in Estevan have hovered around 155 cents per litre of regular to 159 cents per litre of regular for months, but an industry expert figures motorists could be in for a break at the pumps shortly.

Prices listed on GasBuddy ranged from 156.9 to 158.9 cents per litre of regular in Estevan on Thursday.

"Even as oil prices have remained a little bit elevated in light of the Hamas attacks in Israel, we’re seeing a lot of downward potential on gasoline prices because of a drop in demand as temperatures cool off across North America," said GasBuddy petroleum analyst Patrick DeHaan.

"In addition, the switch over to winter gasoline several weeks ago has continued to put downward pressure on prices, so certainly it’s a nice break."

DeHaan said gasoline prices tend to drop in the fall months as the demand for gasoline weakens. He said refineries are doing a lot of maintenance work. Once that work is done, DeHaan said there will be a large supply of gasoline that could drive prices down. 

The outlook on diesel prices isn’t as bright. 

"Heating oil and diesel are essentially the same product and certainly demand for heating oil goes up into the colder months, so there may be some pressure on diesel prices moving in the weeks ahead," DeHaan explained. 

GasBuddy shows that diesel prices in Estevan range from 173.9 cents per litre to 182.9 cents per litre. 

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Author Alias