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After much of the region received to 10 to 20cms of snow last Wednesday night through Friday morning, we're in line for another few centimeters Monday.

"A relatively weak upper level disturbance will slide southward through the province on Monday," explained CMOS Accredited weathercaster Chris Sumner. "We're not expecting a lot of snow from this system, anywhere from what I'd call a dusting up to several centimeters, capping out around 5cms according to the estimates at this point."

Sumner noted, the light snow itself won't lead to travel impacts, but the strong northerly winds expected later in the day, combined with the light snow that's fallen throughout the day, will more than likely lead to blowing snow and reduced visibility.

"Surface high pressure will quickly follow behind the low, and the difference in pressure between the two systems will lead to wind gusts up to 60 km/h by late Monday afternoon, continuing into the overnight hours," he said. "The wind will die down overnight into Tuesday morning."

And it will be a return to the traditional winter jackets, ski pants, toques and mitts over costumes on Halloween. Northwesterly flow aloft will send another shot of cold Arctic air to Southern Manitoba, meaning highs on October 31st may struggle to reach -6 to -8 during the day, but mainly sunny conditions are expected for Tuesday.

"Halloween 2023 will be a far cry from what we had last year, when daytime highs were between 13 and 15," pointed out Sumner. "It will be around twenty degrees colder this year for the kids collecting candy and the parents driving them around."

Averages for the end of October are +5 for highs and -4 for overnight lows.

Looking ahead to the remainder of the week, according to Sumner a generally westerly flow aloft Wednesday through Saturday will help moderate temperatures, somewhat, but Southern Manitoba will still remain below average. With that said, daytime highs may flirt with freezing, or even sneak a degree or two above.

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