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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 October 31 – 2023 November 1

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 41


0741 hours –Disturbance- Subject charged with unsafe storage and handling of firearm.

0938 hours – Unwanted Guest- mediated.

0958 hours- Mischief- 800 block Athabasca Street west youth knocking on doors, info provided.

1003 hours- Dispute- information provided regarding property.

1105 hours- Vehicle Seizure- two tickets, vehicle impounded for 30 days.

1126 hours- Theft of Auto- stolen auto form signed.

1149 Hours- Found Drugs turned in- Exhibited for disposal.

1209 Hours- Fire Call- Occurred in 400 block of Coteau street west fire was put out.

1230 Hours- Found Property- Owner was located and arrangements were made to be picked up.

1232 Hours- Dispute- business on North service road – information provided.

1356 Hours- false 911- Subject was trying to call 411.

1332 Hours- Suspicious Person- subject was located and sent on their way.

1407 Hours- Shoplifting- 1200 block Main Street North items – still under investigation.

1505 Hours- Assist ambulance- 1100 block Willow Ave, subject left in care of EMS.

1525 Hours- Dispute- 400 Block of Lillooet subject was located and warned for misuse of 911.

1534 Hours- Bike Theft- 700 Block of Ominica St East.

1614 Hours- Impaired Driving- 500 Block of Thatcher Dr. East- ASD was preformed, Driver blew a Zero.

1630 Hours- Hit & Run- HWY #1- Approximately $5000 Damage.

1711 Hours- Mischief- Vehicle was vandalized charges pending.

1713 Hours- 800 Block 8th Ave- Vehicle was damaged on Oct 27th, approximately $1000 Damage.

1715 Hours- Fraud – Reported for Information.

1754 Hours- Disturbance- 800 Block Lillooet- Suspect left Location on their own.

1800 Hours- Unwanted Guest- 900 Block Ross- Home owner wanted subject to leave.

1858 Hours- Fraud- not out any money, given information regarding scams.

1920 hours- Impaired Driver- not intoxicated but was issued a ticket.

2001 Hours- Lost Property- Reported for information.

2026 Hours- Disturbance- 0 Block of Maple Street- Area was searched, subjects not located.

2337 Hours- Well Being Check- Subject will get medical attention on their own.

2337 Hours- Break and enter- 1100 Block Athabasca St E – No damages or items missing.

0027 Hours- Suspicious Persons- 1100 Block Clifton Ave.

0356 Hours- Alarm- Business – Staff attended, cleared.


Assist Other Agency – 6

911 Calls – 7

Warrant executions- 0
