Bridging Borders: Peace Garden's commitment to unity and friendship

The struggle between Canada and the U.S. has affected the relations between the International Peace Garden and some of their supporters, prompting an influx of emails sent to the Peace Garden over the past few weeks.  CEO Tim Chapman responded to those emails last week.  He also shared his own personal message to their supporters on both sides of the border.  

Bridging Borders: Peace Garden's commitment to unity and friendship

The struggle between Canada and the U.S. has affected the relations between the International Peace Garden and some of their supporters, prompting an influx of emails sent to the Peace Garden over the past few weeks.  CEO Tim Chapman responded to those emails last week.  He also shared his own personal message to their supporters on both sides of the border.  

Give the gift of life and join the lifesaving 450 Challenge

When a serious car accident takes place anywhere in Canada, we call 911 and that call gets dispatched to police and EMS paramedics, fire and rescue to the scene.

But once the victim(s) are transported to the hospital, we don't often think about what takes place after that unless it is a loved one who is involved.

Wetlands are multi-taskers, this is World Wetlands Day

Did you know that Southern Manitoba is identified as one of the most critical opportunities for wetlands conservation in the country?

Today is World Wetlands Day (February 2nd), a day where we take special notice of those areas of our landscape that are precious ecosystems that hide all kinds of critters and creatures that thrive in these soggy, squishy habitats.  But our wetlands provide more than just a home for these birds and animals of the marsh.

Former KAP, Cdn Limousin President Bill Campbell passes away

The community of Minto, as well as cattle producers in Manitoba are still reeling from the sudden passing of former president of Manitoba’s Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) just over a week ago.

Bill Campbell passed away at the age of 69 after losing the battle against ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease on Sunday, January 19th.

St. Jean's Antara Agronomy lands first place in Ag Day's Innovation Showcase Agri-Business category

Antara Agronomy Services was awarded the Agri-Business Award in the Ag Day’s Innovation Showcase this week for their Antara Insights 2.0 program. 

Brunel and Jennifer Sabourin live in St. Jean. They started their company ten years ago out of a need to provide more answers for local farmers. The program is meant to collect local data, giving the tools to local farmers to make more insightful decisions.

What to look for on Thursday - Ag Days 2025

The first two days of Ag Days 2025 were filled with dynamic speakers and interactive panel discussions and covered a wide variety of subjects.

Looking forward to Thursday’s program, visitors will see a great mix of agronomy, marketing and livestock sessions.

FCC Theatre Speaker line up

The FCC Theatre program starts on Thursday at 9:30AM when you can join John Heard who is discussing ROI and Balancing Your Nutrient Profile in Soils.

What to look for on Day 2 Wednesday - Ag Days 2025

Manitoba Ag Days is Canada’s largest indoor farm show, and the board and management team is excited to welcome guests to the Keystone Center in Brandon, MB.

Kristen Phillips, Manitoba Ag Days General Manager said, “The show highlights the best of all things, agriculture! We are ready to welcome our guests each day to our dominant trade show, our exciting complementary speaker program, innovative thinking in our Innovation Showcase entries and an atmosphere second to none. If it has anything to do with Agriculture, you will find it at our show!”

Ag Days brings biggest indoor Ag show to the Keystone - starts today!

"We are really happy to invite everyone to the Keystone Centre.  That venue allows us to bring everyone under one roof now in January. So, no matter what the weather is like outside once you get inside there are 550 exhibitors for you to take in," says Ag Days Media Coordinator, Teresa Hildebrand.  "Everything that's related to agriculture you'll find under our roof!"

There are lots of things to see every day and each day is different than the day before, says Hildebrand.