Parks Canada takes first steps to contain zebra mussels in Clear Lake
At the end of June, water tests taken at Clear Lake’s Boat Cove at Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) proved positive for environmental DNA from zebra mussels. Water testing and vigilant visual studies in Clear Lake continued for more evidence of zebra mussels.
Fifty-eight active wildfires in Manitoba - Fire Bulletin #11
The Manitoba Wildfire Service advises that recent thunderstorms have resulted in numerous natural-start wildfires in the northern and western regions in Manitoba. While the number of fires remains well below the average for this date, there are several fires of concern.
There are currently 58 active wildfires burning in Manitoba, with a total of 153 wildfires to date this year. This compares to the average of 257.
Visibility is expected to be reduced while travelling along Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 391 and possibly PTH 280 as a result of wildfires in the areas.
Lemonade Stands for Hope continues through the summer
Over 200 lemonade stands shared thousands of cups of the favorite sweet and sour beverage this past weekend to raise money and awareness for CancerCare Manitoba Foundation through their annual Lemonade Stands for Hope campaign.
But if you weren't able to participate in this summer fundraiser it's not too late!
Folks can register their own lemonade stand for CancerCare at any time to continue the fundraiser well into the Fall season.
MWF champions healthy fish populations through signage incentive
The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) has launched a sizeable project of donating and installing signs that help anglers across the province to better understand the new fishing regulations when it comes to catching Manitoba's favorite fish, the walleye!
Recreational Angling Coordinator with the MWF, Chase Dreilich, says many stakeholders strive to keep Manitoba's fish populations healthy, and this is one way for the Wildlife Federation to help residents and visitors to our province be more informed to keep those populations sustainable.
MWF champions healthy fish populations through signage incentive
The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) has launched a sizeable project of donating and installing signs that help anglers across the province to better understand the new fishing regulations when it comes to catching Manitoba's favorite fish, the walleye.
Anglers reminded of new Manitoba sport fishing regulations
The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) is reminding anglers to be familiar with the new size and possession limits across the province when it comes to catching and keeping walleye.
For years anglers had a choice between two different possession limits; a general angling license or a conservation license. But that has now changed to one possession limit across the province when it comes to Manitoba's most popular fish, walleye also known as pickerel.
New signs illuminate walleye fishing rules across Manitoba lakes
The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) has launched a sizeable project of donating and installing signs that help anglers across the province to better understand the new fishing regulations when it comes to catching Manitoba's favorite fish, the walleye!
Recreational Angling Coordinator with the MWF, Chase Dreilich, says many stakeholders strive to keep Manitoba's fish populations healthy, and this is one way for the Wildlife Federation to help residents and visitors to our province be more informed to keep those populations sustainable.
Live zebra mussel found in Clear Lake-immediate steps are being taken
This week Parks Canada has found an adult zebra mussel near Boat Cove, in Clear Lake, in Riding Mountain National Park.
Information Release from Parks Canada July 19, 2024:
On July 17, 2024, while conducting a visual survey, Parks Canada snorkellers found one partial shell and one living, adult sized zebra mussel attached to a rock. Water samples collected from Boat Cove from June 19-27, 2024, have also tested positive for environmental DNA from zebra mussels. This evidence shows zebra mussels are building a presence in Clear Lake.
Assiniboine College eager to start Prairie Innovation Centre project - still waiting for final funding
Assiniboine College is eager to get started on their Prairie Innovation build project on the North Hill Campus in Brandon.
Thus far they've raised $23 million themselves, have a $90 million commitment from the Province of Manitoba, but are still waiting for confirmation on a $40 million grant from the Federal Government.
Childhood cancer support group receives $20K through curling 'spiel
Manitoba's Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Group received $20,000 last week through the Minnedosa fundraiser, 'Curling for a Cure'.
The annual curling bonspiel is a grassroots effort to raise money for cancer-related organizations, like the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Group.