Royal Manitoba Winter Fair celebrates 55 years of top-notch entertainment Mar 31-April 5

The organizing committee of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair is putting the finishing touches on their annual event taking place all of next week at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, Monday to Saturday, March 31-April 5th!

The annual fair is hosted by the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba this being their 55th year since their 'Royal' designation from Queen Elizabeth back in 1970.  It features competition and entertainment from one end of the Keystone Centre to the other!

Squeal on Pigs sees great success in 2024 - public assistance is key to eradication

In 2024 Squeal on Pigs Manitoba had a successful year in trapping wild pigs with pig removal numbers being significantly higher totaling over 200 animals.

Doctor Wayne Lees, Coordinator for Squeal on Pigs Manitoba, says this is quite a jump from the year before, and with that they've been able to capture more field data and better understand the characteristics and habits of these wild pigs.

Province predicts low-to-moderate risk of spring flooding

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre has released its February Flood Outlook Report, which indicates a low-to-moderate risk of significant spring flooding in most Manitoba basins.

Spring flood risk is largely dependent on weather conditions from now until the spring melt and throughout the spring.

Discover the Outdoors: Manitoba Wildlife Federation hosting annual BOW weekend

If you're a woman in Manitoba who wants to learn more about the outdoors, you might want to consider the 'Becoming an Outdoors Woman' weekend at the end of May!

Becoming an Outdoorswoman (BOW) is a program hosted by the Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF).  It's designed for women of all ages to learn outdoor skills that will benefit them in all manners of outdoor interests, from fishing to hunting, to outdoor food preparation and so much more.

Things to watch for this growing season? Chemical resistant Kochia and rising input costs

Looking at this year's grow season, Manitoba Agriculture Applied Research Specialist with WADO, Scott Chalmers says something to certainly be watching out for is the herbicide resistant weeds that are starting to really take hold, like Kochia here in the southwest corner of the province.

Chalmers says Kochia has become resistant to a variety of herbicides and if it starts cross-pollinating it could turn into a super weed.  In the eastern region of Manitoba water hemp is a problem and we're not wanting that weed to come this way.

Manitoba Fire Bulletin #13

The Manitoba Wildfire Service (MWS) continues to respond to 58 active wildfires across the province, with a total of 175 wildfires to date. Lightning caused fires continue to persist and crews are facing some challenging fire behaviour.

Zebra Mussels update at Clear Lake says no zebra mussels found

Monitoring and Sampling Update

As of June 10, 2024, 26 water samples taken from high-priority areas in Clear Lake have tested negative for zebra mussel environmental DNA (eDNA). Currently, areas of focus are near Boat Cove and the area around the pier and the Clear Lake Marina. Water samples continue to be analyzed in Winnipeg by Fisheries and Oceans Canada on a priority basis. The likelihood of detecting zebra mussels increases as the water temperature warms.