MCC helping those in our own back yards and around the world

The Mennonite Central Committee helps people all around the world, but we don't always think about how those funds raised through our local MCC Thrift Shop helps those here in Manitoba.

MCC Manitoba's Executive Director, Darryl Loewen, says the MCC thrift shop not only helps folks purchase clothing and household items at a reduced price, and to share those funds through their agencies to help developing countries around the world, but also to help families in a very significant way our own back yard.

Growing season coming to a close, but world hunger is on the increase

Harvest is wrapping up across the province, and for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank they have seen hundreds of thousands of acres come off the fields and into grain bins and elevators, all to support the eradication of hunger throughout the world.

In this year's season of harvest there were close to 4000 acres farmed in Manitoba for the Foodgrains bank says Gordon Janzen, Regional Rep for Manitoba. "Wheat, canola and soybeans are the main ones."

Highway study of Carberry corner still in progress

This summer safety features have been installed at the corner of Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 5 at Carberry, after the two highway accidents that occurred fairly close to each other earlier this summer. 

A passenger bus carrying Dauphin-area seniors collided with a semi-truck on June 15th and claimed the lives of 17 people.  Just over 6 weeks later, on July 31st a second crash occurred at the same intersection resulting in 3 people being transported to hospital.

'We have a lot of things to continue to accomplish and I want to be part of that' ~ Turtle Mountain returning PC candidate, Doyle Piwniuk

Incumbent, PC Candidate for Turtle Mountain, and Virden resident, Doyle Piwniuk, is vying for another 4-year term with the Progressive Conservatives to advocate for the residents in his Riding.  

What are the key issues on your platform?

Brandon MCC Relief Sale Concludes After 35 Years

It is with saddened but grateful hearts that Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) announces the Brandon Relief Sale has officially ceased operations after more than 35 years of this event raising funds for its international relief and development work.

The Brandon MCC Relief Sale, run by a committee of local volunteers, last took place in September 2019 at the Brandon Keystone Centre. Operations were suspended in 2020 due to the COVID pandemic.

It was one of 38 similar events in North America at the time, raising money to support the vision and mission of MCC.

'The Players' Club' just one of the highlights at this year's AG EX

The Manitoba AG EX is coming up in October and promises to be one of, if not the biggest, in recent memory, says Committee Chair Dallas Johnston.

"Yes, entries are open now and we're suggesting people get their entries in sooner than later because we have 4 National Shows and an International Show this year," explains Johnston. "So, we're probably going to be a little tight for room. We're going to have a 600-head limit so we're telling people to get their entries in well before October 1st, so they don't miss out!"

Canadian Foodgrains community projects - the mission is to end global hunger

"I once heard someone say they knew they were in a rich country when the grocery stores have three aisles of pet food." This statement was made from a woman who had just landed in Winnipeg, after travelling from a refugee camp in a third world country from the other side of the world.

Despite being surrounded by a wealth of food across North America, statistics show up to 783 million people in the world experience hunger, nearly 98% of people experiencing hunger live in developing countries, and around 80% of displaced people live in countries affected by long-term hunger.