The lasting legacy of Canadian war amputee Veterans

Amid the wars, countless Canadian soldiers and nurses displayed extraordinary bravery and unwavering dedication, putting their lives on the line for our country. Many of these individuals returned home bearing the profound physical and emotional scars of war, having lost limbs in the line of duty.

Their experiences as amputees not only shaped their own lives but, as members of The War Amps of Canada, they left a lasting legacy on generations of amputees to come.

Schuler & Lefebvre Funeral & Cremation Services update

Due to unforeseen circumstances Schuler & Lefebvre Funeral & Cremation Services website will not be updated for the foreseeable future. Please check their Facebook and Instagram accounts as well as Discover Humboldt for information regarding funeral services and livestream links. Schuler & Lefebvre Funeral & Cremation Services' apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sponsored: Anchor of Hope: For Such a Time as This

This week I have been reading through the book of Esther in the Bible. This book has everything needed for an intriguing plot: a king, a villain, a hero, a beautiful princess, and a sinister plan. It also feels close to our current time as the Jewish festival of Purim based on the events of this book just took place and Israel is once again on the forefront of the news.

Sponsored: Anchor of Hope: Up in Flames

We are all in need of saving! I have had the opportunity to be a volunteer firefighter for about six years now. As a firefighter, I often see people when they are having the worst day of their life!

They got in a car accident, or their house and all their possessions were burned down because somebody was forgetful. These are the moments when people are lost and in tears, when they are hurting and looking for somebody to save them!

SPONSORED: Dr Alaina Elias Optomertrist

Independently and locally owned Dr. Alaina Elias Optometrist has been providing Humboldt’s community with excellent eye care for over 20 years. Located on the bustling Main Street of Humboldt Dr. Elias opened her practice in 2001 and has worked strenuously to establish her independence as one of Humboldt’s first female owned and operated optometrist office! 

Sponsored: Anchor of Hope: A Scientist Like Me

When I was growing up in the 1960’s, my classmates and I were fans of Star Trek.  We would discuss the previous episode on the schoolyard and enjoyed the science fiction and science fantasy presented in show.  My interest in science was encouraged by the premise that science and technology could provide a hopeful future for mankind.   

SPONSORED: Anchor of Hope: What If?

When I was pregnant with my son (now almost two years old), I remember feeling a lot of fear. Not fear about having a baby, but fear about something happening to my baby. I still remember feeling so anxious in those first few months as I counted down the days until the next ultrasound or doctor’s appointment, just so I could put my mind at ease, knowing that his little heart was still beating. I realized quickly that no matter how badly I wanted to keep my growing baby safe, it really was out of my control. Thankfully all was well and I became a mom to a strong and healthy baby boy.

SPONSORED - Anchor of Hope: Learning to Float

When I was growing up, we lived about 20 minutes from Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes with sand beaches and beautiful water. We lived on a farm where life was always busy and my dad disliked water, so we only went to the lake maybe once each summer. As a result, I wasn’t really comfortable once the water level got past my waist or maybe chest height when I was feeling especially adventurous. One day when I was at the lake with some friends, they were determined to teach me at least to float.