What can you do about ice dams?

As warmer weather is hitting the prairies, some areas are seeing an increase in heat and sunshine leading to snow melting off of roofs.

While that may seem like a good thing, the reality is that these conditions can lead to ice dams.

What happens is when the attic space of a home becomes warm, that can melt the snow on the roof, causing the water between the snow and shingles to freeze once it trickles down to the eaves-trough.

Provincial and Federal ministers announce $4.5 million in new funding for southeast infrastructure projects

The federal and provincial governments announced today that $19.7 million dollars will be heading to Saskatchewan communities to help with a variety of infrastructure projects.

With the federal government putting forward around 10.8 million, and the province offering 8.9 million, a few different southeast communities will be seeing some benefits.

SaskTel reverses email subscription fees

SaskTel is reversing their previously announced fees for email accounts, which would have been brought into effect in April.

SaskTel released the following statement:

"As Saskatchewan’s leading communications provider, SaskTel recognizes the importance of providing advanced and reliable communications services that are also affordable.

UPDATE: SaskTel no longer charging for email accounts this spring

The provincial government has intervened in SaskTel's plans to begin charging subscribers a fee for their email service. 

Minister Don Morgan made a statement on Friday indicating that he had heard concerns raised by the Crown's customers. Consequently, Morgan, Minister in charge of SaskTel, directed the company to abandon the fee hike. 

A statement provided by SaskTel indicated it too had heard the feedback, and it would comply with the government's instructions not to charge a fee. 

Previous story

Saskatchewan's job numbers show great growth in 2022

2022 saw strong growth for Saskatchewan in the job sector, with the second-highest growth since 1976 when job numbers were first published.

Saskatchewan had 576,800 people employed during the year, an increase of 18,600 or 3.3 per cent from 2021.

The province says that it's on track to reach its goal set out in 2020 of 100,000 new jobs by the end of 2030. 

SaskTel to begin charging for email accounts this spring

Users of SaskTel's email service will now be seeing a charge come up on their bills as of a few months from now.

Previously, those addresses were free as a part of any subscription to a SaskTel internet service.

That will no longer be the case as the new plan coming in will have SaskTel charging $1.95/month for the service.

They released the following statement regarding the change.

SaskTel to begin charging for email accounts this spring

Users of SaskTel's email service will now be seeing a charge come up on their bills as of a few months from now.

Previously, those addresses were free as a part of any subscription to a SaskTel internet service.

That will no longer be the case as the new plan coming in will have SaskTel charging $1.95/month for the service.

They released the following statement regarding the change.

FCAA sends out investor alert for pair of unregistered trading companies

The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan is warning investors of a pair of online entities operating without registration.

CryptoFXPro and Olikriet Capital Limited are both offering Saskatchewan residents an opportunity to invest and trade in a multitude of commodities, options, and cryptocurrencies.

Both entities are not registered to trade or sell securities or derivatives in Saskatchewan. 

Saskatchewan's job numbers show great growth in 2022

2022 saw strong growth for Saskatchewan in the job sector, with the second-highest growth since 1976 when job numbers were first published.

Saskatchewan had 576,800 people employed during the year, an increase of 18,600 or 3.3 per cent from 2021.

The province says that it's on track to reach its goal set out in 2020 of 100,000 new jobs by the end of 2030. 

Comet set to streak across the sky for first time in 50,000 years

Scientists at NASA identified a comet that is going to appear tonight for the first time in 50,000 years.

The green comet, known as C/2022 E3, tracks a wide orbit around the solar system and is reappearing for the first time in millennia.

It'll become visible to those using telescopes and binoculars tonight, at around midnight.

Any stargazers will need to look low at the northeastern portion of the sky, with the comet being near the north star.