Jasmine (Fast) Johnston

The Celebration of Life Service for Jasmine (Fast) Johnston will be held on Friday, February 7, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. at Eastside Church of God.

Arrangements are in care of Parkside Memorial Funeral Home – Ryan Cappelle & Hayden Cappelle.

For further information, to leave a condolence for the family, or to read the obituary when it becomes available, visit parksidefuneralhome.com

Mrs. Agnes “Nettie” Friesen

Mrs. Agnes “Nettie” Friesen, from Beechy Saskatchewan, passed away at the age of 92 at the Dinsmore Health Care Centre.

The Funeral Service for Mrs. Agnes “Nettie” Friesen will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home.

A Private Family Interment will take place at the Friesen Family Cemetery, Stewart Valley District.

Arrangements are in care of Parkside Memorial Funeral Home – Ryan Cappelle & Hayden Cappelle.

Mr. Milton Braaten

Milton Braaten passed away on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at Cypress Regional Hospital in Swift Current, SK. Milton was known for his quiet strength, determination, innovation and power of wit. His family and friends are a testament to a life well lived.

Please join us in celebrating Milton’s life at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home, 69 4th Ave NE, Swift Current, Saskatchewan at 11am Thursday January 16th. The service will be followed by a lunch then an interment for immediate family.

Jeffrey Funk

The Memorial Service for Jeffrey Funk of Swift Current will be held on Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home.

Donations in memory of Jeff can be made to Southwest Homes 2150 Walker St, Swift Current, SK S9H 4C1

For more information, to read the full obituary and watch the memorial tribute video when it becomes available, or to leave a condolence for the family, visit www.parksidefuneralhome.com

Samuel Heinrichs

The Funeral Service for Samuel Heinrichs of Swift Current will be held on Saturday, December 14th at 2pm at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home with Pastor Tim D. Friesen officiating.

The interment will take place at Hillcrest Cemetery, Swift Current, SK.

Donations in memory of Sam can be made to the Canadian Cancer Societ.

For more information, to read the full obituary and watch the memorial tribute video when it becomes available, or to leave a condolence for the family, visit www.parksidefuneralhome.com

Mrs. Tiena Hildebrand

The Funeral Service for Mrs. Tiena Hildebrand will be held on Friday, December 6th at 2pm at Trailview Alliance Church with Pastor Paul Little officiating.

There will be an evening gathering with viewing the night prior to the funeral service from 7pm – 9pm at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home on Thursday, December 5th.

Then interment will be held prior to the funeral on December 6th at 11:00 a.m. at Chortitz Church Cemetery, Wymark District.

Donations in memory of Tiena can be made to Children’s Camps International (C.C.I.) 500 Main St Unit 2, Winkler, MB R6W 1A1

Tina Friesen

Tina Friesen, was born on October 7, 1939, in Gouldtown, peacefully left us on November 26, 2024, at the age of 85. Tina was a cherished, wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and a friend to many— Mom’s life was a reflection of kindness, devotion, and hard work. Mom was always busy and willing to lend a helping hand. Her career as a care aide was a true reflection of her inner strength and enduring grace. To her family, she was pillar of love and support, always finding time for conversation and laughter with her grandchildren, whom she adored.

Mr. Laurent Dumont

Mr. Laurent Dumont passed peacefully with his family by his side on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at The Meadows Care Facility in Swift Current, SK.

A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, November 29, 2024 a 11:00 a.m. at Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish.

The interment will be held at Hillcrest Cemetery, Swift Current, SK.

Donations in memory of Laurent can be made to Silver Wings Access Van Inc. Box 871 Swift Current, SK. S9H 3W8.

Mrs. Irma Dueck

Mrs. Irma Dueck passed peacefully with her family by her side at the Cypress Regional Hospital on November 22, 2024.

Her funeral service will be held at 2 PM on Wednesday, November 27th, at Parkside Memorial Funeral Home in Swift Current.

The interment will be held at Mount Pleasant Burial Park, Swift Current, SK.

Click on the link to watch livestreaming of the service https://boxcast.tv/view/irma-dueck-funeral-service-wd4pl5pikzvjdh13krzi

Mr. Hank Dyck

Martin Henry “Hank” Dyck passed away peacefully with his loving wife and family by his side at the Cypress Regional Hospital in Swift Current on November 2nd, 2024. In regard to Hank’s wishes, no formal funeral service will be held.

Donations in honour of Hank’s memory can be made to the Swift Current SPCA (Online: Donate/SwiftCurrentSPCA.com by Mail: PO Box 1163 Stn Main) or to the Canadian Cancer Society (Online: https://cancer.ca/en)