Manitou hospitality on display during Honey Garlic and Maple Syrup Festival

The annual Pembina Valley Honey Garlic and Maple Syrup Festival was a big hit this past weekend in Manitou.
Reporter Robyn Wiebe spent the day checking out the festivities, and caught up with event Chairperson, Juanita Cobb,

"We had the largest numbers ever for breakfast, and our final two through the line came from Fargo, ND," said Cobb. "They'd never been to Canada before, so that's always super fun." 

City of Winkler hoping to get chunk of $4-billion CMHC Accelerator Fund

A housing needs assessment report recently undertaken by the City of Winkler indicates the city could potentially get its hands on a significant amount of money through a program aimed at helping municipalities build housing quickly.
Mayor Henry Siemens calls the $4-billion CMHC Accelerator Fund a very welcome program that will help communities across the country.

Winkler City Council communicates with MB Highways regarding deteriorating roadway, and safety concerns

The condition and safety of Highway 14 have been addressed in a letter to Manitoba Highways from the City of Winkler.
Mayor Henry Siemens says the council has voiced its concern about deep potholes on the roadway, especially at the intersections with Highway 32 (1st Street), Main Street and 15th Street.
Siemens notes council is very concerned with the state of the road, adding they find many drivers are having to veer around the holes to avoid them.

Winkler Chamber set for busy fall season, including September All Candidates Forum

The Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce is coming close to the end of a multi-year strategic plan.
Chamber Executive Director Tanya Chateauneuf says the Chamber executive will begin planning for the next few years later this fall, or early in 2024.

"I feel like we've accomplished a lot in the last strategic plan, so what can we do to move on from there," said Chateauneuf. 

Southwest Baseball League Report - Aaron Tycoles

The 2023 season was a competitive one among the 9 teams in the Southwest Baseball League season. Welcome to our South West Baseball League Report. Reporter Pam Fedack caught up with Southwest Baseball League President, Aaron Tycoles to discuss the 2023 season, and his thoughts on next season. You can catch their entire conversation on the Southwest Baseball League Report on CJRB at 5:15 p.m.

You can also enjoy their conversation below: 


Office move coming for Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce

The Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce is on the hunt for a new office space. Currently, the chamber office is located within the Winkler City Hall. 

A side effect of Winkler's continued growth, the city's administrative team is in need of additional space, requiring the chamber to find a new location.

BTHC Foundation Charity Golf Classic raises record amount in year twenty-two

Many positive adjectives can be used to describe Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation's (BTHCF) Charity Golf Classic held on Thursday.
Golfers hit the links for the annual tournament at Morden's Minnewasta Golf and Country Club.

Foundation Board Chair Ben Friesen says the day turned out a record result, having the max of 152 golfers in. Friesen says they had a waitlist, and due to some people not being able to make it, everyone on the waiting list made it in as well, filling all 152 seats.

"This feels personal," said 80 year-old Fred Enns on why he cycled 3,000 KM across Manitoba to draw continued awareness to war in Ukraine

You could call cycling enthusiast Fred Enns an adventure taker, but also an advocate for others in vulnerable situations.

Enns has been an avid cyclist for years and has gone on a number of biking tours, but this one was different, He took it as an opportunity to spread awareness about the war in Ukraine while he made his way through about 120 communities.
Enns who is now 80 years old was raised on a farm just south of La Salle until he was 18, when he left the rural life for the City of Winnipeg.

Feedback and progress on public transportation feasibility study shared at open house in Winkler

A transportation open house in Winkler last week was a continuation of the city's first round of public engagements held earlier this year.

The goal of last week's session was to provide an update on the feasibility study for the public transportation options.

"We had some great feedback from the community from the first round of engagement. So we were able to present what we heard from the Community as well," said Scott Toews, Director of Planning and Engineering for the City of Winkler.

How many students is GVSD preparing for to start the new school year in September?

Coming off a year of slow steady growth in enrolment during the 2022/23 school year, the superintendent of the Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) is anticipating a lot of similarities in the new school year approaching.
Superintendent Dan Ward says, this time of year, it's always difficult to say what enrolment might land on.
Currently, GVSD has close to 4,200 students in its student information system, in terms of being registered. However, Ward says there are always unknown factors to consider.