Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes lift the spirits of children in need

Moose Jaw made a big impact on children in need through the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child program. 

Moose Javians packed a total of 1,046 shoeboxes filled with toys, hygiene products, school supplies and other items that the recipients may not be able to afford. Provincially, over 19,000 shoeboxes were filled in Saskatchewan. 

Space-age technology brings ultrasound services to Gravelbourg

Technology initially produced to monitor the health of astronauts in space will soon bring ultrasound services to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Gravelbourg.  

The MELODY Telerobotic Ultrasound System technology was developed by the European Space Agency. It’s now being adapted by Saskatchewan’s healthcare industry to bring critical services to rural and remote areas of the province.  

Watershed stewards’ contest asks, “What can you do to improve your watershed?”

The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds is holding a contest for students in Grades 7 to 12, looking to answer the question “what can you do to improve your watershed?” as part of its Caring for our Watersheds program. 

To enter the contest, students must submit a 1,000-word proposal outlining how they would improve their local watershed.  

Watershed stewards’ contest asks, “What can you do to improve your watershed?”

The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds is holding a contest for students in Grades 7 to 12, looking to answer the question “what can you do to improve your watershed?” as part of its Caring for our Watersheds program. 

To enter the contest, students must submit a 1,000-word proposal outlining how they would improve their local watershed.  

Watershed stewards’ contest asks, “What can you do to improve your watershed?”

The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds is holding a contest for students in Grades 7 to 12, looking to answer the question “what can you do to improve your watershed?” as part of its Caring for our Watersheds program. 

To enter the contest, students must submit a 1,000-word proposal outlining how they would improve their local watershed.  

SaskTel reversing decision to charge for email addresses

Users of "sasktel.net" email address will not be charged for the email service in the coming months.

SaskTel announced on Thursday that it planned to charge users $1.95 per month on their bills in the coming months for the service.

On Friday afternoon, Minister responsible for SaskTel Don Morgan released the following statement: 

Following the decision from SaskTel earlier this week to implement a monthly fee for email users, I have spoken with Saskatchewan residents and heard their concerns.

'Here kitty, kitty' among 10 worst Saskatchewan 9-1-1 calls in 2022

Saskatchewan RCMP took over 350,000 calls for service in 2022 including misdials and false alarms to serious incidents.

That being said, prank calls and non-emergency phone calls are a misuse of 911 and can take up valuable time for call-takers and officers that could be helping someone in a life-threatening situation.

Below are the Saskatchewan RCMP's top-10 "missed the mark" calls from 2022: