CAAIN provides key funding for autonomous tractor kit
The Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN) is highlighting results of the agtech research & innovation projects it is supporting through its 2022 Open Competition and its Beef & Pork Primary Processing Automation & Robotics Program.
Darrell Petras, CAAIN’s CEO says through the program they look for Canadian companies that are developing technology that will provide significant value to Canadian farmers through artificial intelligence.
More producers are eligible for the Federal/Provincial drought related livestock feed program
The 2023 Canada-Saskatchewan Feed Program and the Livestock Tax Deferral Program have been expanded to help more producers deal with the drought and dry conditions.
Agriculture Minister David Marit says another ten RM's have been added and are eligible for up to $150 per head.
The additional RM's include the RM's of Lumsden, Sherwood, Bratt’s Lake, Edenwold, Lajord, South Qu’Appelle and North Qu’Appelle, as well as the RM's of Britannia, Rosthern, and Bayne.
Prairie Cattle Marketing Update
The cattle industry has seen strong prices in the feeder markets, with the lightweight feeder cattle bringing the largest average price increases compared to the previous week.
According to the Manitoba Cattle Marketing Report, the 401 to 500 pound steers had an average price of $411.88 per cwt and $351.08 per cwt for the same weight of heifers. The biggest jump for feeder steers came in the 501 - 600 pound category for an average of $ 389.21 per cwt.
D1-D2 cows averaged $119.88 per cwt, while D3 cows averaged $103.20 per cwt
Be aware of STRESS and take ACTION
Over the last few years there's been more of an emphasis put on the importance of monitoring your mental health and learning how to deal with and limit stress.
Life on the farm or ranch can be highly stressful Lesley Kelly understands it all to well as a farmer and a strong advocate for mental health and agriculture.
She says we think of a stressful harvest, or the stress of moving animals, etc, but sometimes stress can be more than a season.
Warmer weather is helping the railways recover
The return to warmer weather is helping the railways clear some of the backlog after the slowdown in grain movement during the recent cold snap.
Elizabeth Hucker, CPKC's assistant vice president of sales and marketing for bulk says that extreme cold dipped as far as Louisiana, and covered much of CPKC's network.
She says operations slowed due to the cold, but thanks to their experienced crews they were able to keep things moving.
Keeping safety top of mind on the farm, on the road, around machinery and livestock - FarmSafe Manitoba
Last week the federal and provincial levels of governments announced a $1.5 million investment to the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) for the FarmSafe Manitoba program, to promote safe and healthy farm operations in Manitoba.
Trade Negotiations with the U.K. a concern
Trade negotiations between Canada and the U.K. are at a standstill after the U.K. suspended talks last week.
The President of the Canadian Cattle Association Nathan Phinney says he's disappointed with the halt in negotiations, adding that Canadian beef exports into the area is a key issue right now.
Bill C-234 back on the agenda for the House of Commons
MP's are back to work today in Ottawa following the Christmas break.
Over the last few weeks, MPs have been spending time in their ridings meeting with their constituents to discuss their concerns.
They'll be raising those concerns with their colleagues back in Ottawa.
A key issue for the agriculture sector and one of the first Bills expected to hit the floor this week for discussion is Bill C-234.
SSGA pass a number of resoltuions during semi-annual meeting
The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association held its semi-annual meeting during the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference this week.
The membership passed seven resolutions including one to address the growing wildlife damage problem that producers are dealing with.
President Garner Deobald says SSGA resolved to lobby Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation to put a monetary value on stockpiled forages-similar to the compensation that is currently available for damaged crops and stack damage.
Alberta's " CrossRoads" event opens Monday
The event formerly known as FarmTech is a collaboration of the Alberta Canola, Alberta Grains, and Alberta Pulse Commissions.
Committee Chair Todd Hames says this year's event focuses on "New Ideas and Directions" with presentations on innovation and sustainability, agriculture policy and farm management.
"We're trying to create that environment to have speakers, that encourage conversation and ideas. Then have opportunities during the program to network and share those ideas and thoughts and have the discussion."