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Seeding (Reimark)
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More moisture has improved soil conditions while slowing progress in many areas.

Alberta's fields have been sated over the week as rain has blanketed the province giving some much-needed moisture.

However, that's also led to seeding progress stalling thanks to that rain, with some farmers even reporting light snow and hail over the week.

In total, Alberta farmer's progress is around 25 per cent to 58 per cent complete. 

In terms of seeding progress of major crops, dry peas are pulling ahead with 82 per cent complete, while oats are at the back of the pack with 36 per cent complete.

In Alberta the Peace Region is the farthest along with 71 per cent complete followed by the South Region with 71 per cent complete. The North East Region continues to trail behind with only 42 per cent complete.

For emergence, 21 per cent of crops are out of the ground, 6 per cent ahead of the 5-year average with growth conditions being moist and favorable for emergence, however, continuously wet soil and cool ground temperatures could hurt plant development.

Emergence is following seeding progress with the South the furthest ahead at 35 per cent emerged followed by the Central Region with 23 per cent emerged. All other regions are below 15 per cent emergence.

The majority of fall seeded crops in the province are rated in good to excellent conditions except in the Peace Region where it has been reported that some fall seeded crops were tilled up due to poor plant counts, and re-seeded.

Pasture and tame hay conditions started off below average due to low runoff, but now May showers have improved conditions across the province.

Pasture conditions across the province are now reported as 4 per cent poor, 28 per cent fair, 61 per cent good and 7 per cent excellent.

Tame hay ratings conditions across the province are now reported as 6)per cent poor, 29 per cent fair, 57 per cent good and 8 per cent excellent

Recent precipitation has greatly improved tame hay conditions over the past three weeks, however, sun and warm weather is needed soon to see the full growth benefits of the moisture on both the tame hay and pasture.

Overall precipitation improved soil moisture conditions as areas around the province received numerous showers.

Some areas received up to 2 inches in the Peace Region, over an inch in many areas of the North East, North West, and South Region, and around half an inch in the Central Region within the last week.

Some areas received enough rain to have excess surface soil moisture with reports of standing water with excessively wet areas causing implements to get stuck.

Provincially, surface soil moisture is rated as 1 per cent poor, 16 per cent fair, 59 per cent good, 22 per cent excellent and 2 per cent excessive.

Subsurface soil moisture meanwhile stands at 7 per cent poor, 27 per cent fair, 50 per cent good, 16 per cent excellent and 0 per cent excessive. Both surface and sub-surface soil moisture rated good to excellent are above the 5- and 10-year averages.