Canada pledges to work with U.S. over competing claims to Arctic sea floor

The federal government is pledging to work with its American counterparts after the U.S. claimed parts of the Arctic sea floor that Canada also wants. 

The U.S. filed its claim last month with the United Nations agency that evaluates such requests.

As expected, it includes a large chunk of the Beaufort Sea floor that Canada also seeks to control.

A UN treaty gives countries rights over seabeds and their natural resources if they can prove their continental shelf extends past 200 nautical miles from their coast and is a natural extension of the continent.

FCC says 2023 crop was the most expensive crop ever for farmers

One of the key stories in 2023 was the economy with higher interest rates and increased costs.

JP Gervais, Farm Credit Canada's vice president and chief economist says the 2023 crop was the most expensive crop farmers have  ever put in the ground with higher input costs and lower commodity prices as compared to 2022.

He says those factors had a key impact on farm profitability along with weather related issues.

Accountable to Each Other

Proverbs 15:32

People who are accountable usually have four qualities:

Vulnerability—capable of being wounded, shown to be wrong, even admitting it before being confronted.

Teachability—a willingness to learn, being quick to hear and respond to reproof, being open to counsel.

Availability—accessible, touchable, able to be interrupted.

Honesty—committed to the truth regardless how much it hurts, a willingness to admit the truth no matter how difficult or humiliating the admission may be. Hating all that is phoney or false.

Year in review: A look at national and international events in November 2023

01 - The Ottawa Senators fired general manager Pierre Dorion. The team announced that hockey operations president Steve Staios will take over the job on an interim basis.

02 - Montreal-based broadcaster TVA Group says it is laying off nearly one-third of its workforce as the company contends with declining audiences and ad revenues. It says the shift involves overhauling its news division and ending its in-house entertainment content production.

Verse of the Day: December 31, 2023

Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

This is what the Lord says—he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters,

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Year in review: A look at national and international events in October 2023

1 – Two people died after a bear attack in Alberta's Banff National Park. Parks Canada staff euthanized the grizzly bear for public safety.  

1 – It went down to the wire, but the U.S. government avoided a shutdown after Congress rushed to approve a bipartisan deal, keeping federal agencies open until Nov. 17. The deal was reached after Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy abruptly abandoned demands for steep spending cuts, and relied on Democrats to pass the bill.