APAS report shows farmers are getting less while consumers are paying more

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan has released its 2024 Farmers and Food Prices Report. 

The APAS report shows a concerning trend: farmers are receiving lower prices for their commodities, while consumers are paying more at the grocery store.

President Ian Boxall says the disparity between the farmer's portion and retail prices highlights a broken system that fails both producers and consumers.

Pastor Robert Morris confesses to inappropriate sexual behaviour with 12-year-old while married

Update, June 18, 2024: Pastor Robert Morris resigns, church says it didn't have full story of abuse

The following story discusses sexual abuse and may be disturbing to some readers.

A mega-church pastor in Texas continues to preach on Sundays, even after he recently confessed to molesting a 12-year-old girl for years while in his twenties.

Jon Buller's Hear the Music Ministries coming to a close later this year

After 25 years of spreading the gospel through song, Hear the Music Ministries is coming to a close.

"After a lot of thought and a lot of prayers and many conversations with folks who have walked alongside me and been part of this ministry for a long, long time, the decision has been made that this will also be the last year of operations for Hear the Music," said Jon Buller in a video statement. 

Dad and 2 kids rescued from raging river, heroes give God credit

A dad from Utah is thrilled to celebrate Father's Day this past weekend after nearly drowning alongside his young sons recently. 

The father and his sons, aged 8 and 10, were floating on an inflatable kayak down the Colorado River on Thursday. Before they knew it, the kayak flipped, sending the three into a raging river. 

Eric Odenthal and his friend Gaar Lausman were in the area and saw the whole thing happen. 

Verse of the day: June 17

Psalm 68:4-5

"Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Defying the odds

1 Samuel 17

I wrote this back when Lenny Dykstra was playing for the Mets. But the truth still applies.

No offence, but Lenny Dykstra doesn't look like much of an athlete. He looks more like some team's mascot. Or like the guy who wears that silly chicken suit and does cartwheels around stadiums. The kid can't stand much more than five-seven. That little Dutch boy is the starting centre fielder for the National League New York Mets. Nicknamed "Nails"—as in "tough as" and "harder than." 

The pale horse

Psalm 23 

The path of the pale horse named Death, mentioned in Revelation 6:8, is littered with bitterness, sorrow, fear, and grief. This ashen stallion started his lengthy journey ages ago and races through time with steady beat and dreadful regularity. As long as we exist in the land of the dying, we shall hear the sombre knell of his hoofbeats.

Sadly, some people hurry their appointment with death. Painful though it may be to hear and accept, thousands of people will take their own lives during the next 12 months. For in our land, suicide is now almost an epidemic.