New Biblical TV series captures life of David

The House of David TV series is currently being filmed and set to be released worldwide on a popular streaming service. 

The casting of the actors portraying David, Goliath, and Saul from the Bible has been released. Michael Iskander is leading the cast as the Egyptian-American actor portrays King David. 

"I'm so humbled and honoured to be sharing this," says Iskander on Instagram. "Getting to tell David's story and to make him human is the most wonderful experience of my life. I cannot put my feelings into words."

Staying in step

Matthew 16

Better than any other word I can think of, change describes our world. Vast, sweeping changes, especially in the last 150 years. Simply to survive requires adjusting, and to make any kind of significant dent calls for a willingness to shift in style and to modify methods.

Consider two of the more pronounced changes in our world. 

Population. It was not until 1850 that the number of people on this globe reached one billion. By 1930 (a mere 80 years later) the number had doubled. Only 30 years later—1960—it had shot up to three billion.

Cattle producers are pleased with the changes to the Livestock Tax Defferal program

The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) is pleased with the changes the federal government has made to the Livestock Tax Deferral (LTD) program.

Changes included adding a buffer zone to tthe LTD designated regions and RM's to ensure impacted producers will be eligible.

This year's program includes some areas in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, with the majority of Alberta listed under the program.

Doug Roxburgh is a CCA director and vice-chair of Alberta Beef with a cow-calf operation at Rimbey.

Alberta to ban cellphones in K-12 classrooms starting in fall

Alberta is moving to ban cellphones in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms starting in the fall.

Alberta Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said Monday that cellphones help with learning but can also be a distraction and lead to cyberbullying.

He said there will be exceptions for students who use phones for health needs, such as monitoring blood sugar levels.

Otherwise, personal devices must be turned off and stored out of sight during class time. School internet networks will also have to limit access to social media, Nicolaides said.

County of Grande Prairie publishes 2023 annual report

The County of Grande Prairie’s 2023 Annual Report is now available to the public. The report explains how municipal tax dollars were invested throughout the year in projects, programs and services to support vibrant and healthy communities.  

The report details work the County did in 2023 to maintain high quality services and advance important projects for residents, businesses and community members. 

How Tasha Layton went from singing backup for Katy Perry to leading thousands in worship

Tasha Layton's musical journey has gone down different paths, between secular music and now Christian music and has learned a lot.

The 'How Far' singer says to CBN News, "Trusting God with every step because you know before I entered music, there were a lot of years that I wasn't sure how God was going to work it out. I didn't understand why I was taking this path or going in this direction or how He was going to work it all together for His good."

Parents and caregivers invited to AHS Tiny Talk program

Parents and caregivers wanting to speak with a nurse about their child’s health and learn more about early childhood are invited to join the Tiny Talk program.

The free Alberta Health Services program gives families with children from birth to 12 months old, or pre-walking age, the chance to meet with a public health nurse and other parents, weigh and measure their child, and ask questions about early childhood.

County distributes Operating Assistance Grants to community groups

The County of Grande Prairie has awarded $252,790 in operating assistance and cemetery grants to 68 non-profit organizations and volunteer groups as well as $420,190 in grants to organizations that operate sport, recreation and cultural facilities in the County to cover utility and other operating expenses.

Grande Prairie RCMP arrest thief that stole bread truck from Save On Foods

A B.C. man is facing charges after Grande Prairie RCMP chased a stolen bread truck, eventually deploying a tire deflation device to stop the vehicle.

Police say the Wonderbread truck was stolen from the Save On Foods in Grande Prairie on June 6th and was reported to be driving away erratically. After its tires were punctured, police say the driver abandoned the truck at Walmart, but a couple of bystanders stopped him long enough for officers to arrive and make an arrest.