Grain Rush kicks off near Alida: D&D Hess Farms Ltd.

A set of fried chicken, sides, and pop delivered right to your farm -- what more could you ask for? 

Grain Rush is back for the 2024 harvest season and it started off with a bang! Dixie Hess signed up her family-run operation, so we surprised her with a hot meal on the field. On our way to the farm, she was actually hauling crops to the bins and we passed her on the way. 

Family roots, community commitment central to Merit Ford’s success

Joel Mryglod doesn’t have to look far for inspiration.

Hanging on the wall behind the Merit Ford managing partner’s desk is a quote from his grandfather: “If you take care of it, it will take care of you.” Initially meant in regards to vehicles, Mryglod continues to apply those words to many things in life.

Thick smoke blankets southeast Saskatchewan; over 60 wildfires up north to blame

In the words of an internationally acclaimed writer -- "I think I've seen this film before..."

It was only yesterday that motorists had to be careful on the roads due to a dense fog that fell on the southeast. Now, Environment Canada has placed southeast Saskatchewan on an air quality advisory due to heavy smoke, affecting visibility again. 

NDP to have 'tough conversations' about its deal with Liberals at coming retreat: MP

The NDP's supply and confidence deal with the Liberals in Ottawa will get heavy scrutiny when leader Jagmeet Singh meets with his caucus in Montreal next week, with the Liberals' decision last month to force binding arbitration to end a work stoppage at the country's major railroads potentially triggering the end of the pact.

Schools prioritize mental health as students prepare to return

With school back in session yesterday, students will be transitioning from summer routines back into academic schedules. This transition can be overwhelming according to Keith Keating, Director of Education for the Southeast Cornerstone Public School Division. He says uncertainty about new teachers and classrooms, as well as social relationships and the academic workload. 

Keating says schools are aware of this, and staff are equipped to foster positive mental health practices in their classrooms.  

China announces anti-dumping investigation on canola seed imports

China's Ministry of Commerce has announced plans to launch an anti-dumping case into Canadian canola seed imports.

The action was initiated in response to a Canadian decision to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, steel and aluminum.

Canadian Canola Council of Canada ((CCC) CEO and President Chris Davison says China is an important and valued market for Canadian canola.

“We are confident that an investigation into Canada’s canola trade with China will demonstrate alignment with and reinforce our support for rules-based trade.”

Remembering Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

This year marks what would have been the 100th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, which started as the Saskatchewan Co-operative Wheat Producers in 1923. 

Farmers joined together with a goal of trying to get a fair price for their wheat by selling directly to importers rather than through the futures market or grain exchange.

Wymark area farmer, Marvin Wiens was a director with the Pool for 20 years and served as president from 2000 to 2004 and admires the drive and determination of the farmers that came together to form the SWP.

China retaliates over EV tariffs with anti-dumping probe into Canadian canola imports

China has announced an anti-dumping investigation into Canadian canola imports in response to Canada planning to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, steel and aluminum.

In a news release Tuesday, China's Ministry of Commerce said it is launching an anti-discrimination investigation into the tariffs and an anti-dumping probe into Canadian canola imports as well as certain chemical products.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Aug. 26 that Canada will impose a 100 per cent tariff on Chinese EVs and a 25 per cent tariff on steel and aluminum.

EPS give updates on calls over Labour Day long weekend

The Estevan Police Service had a number of calls over the long weekend with community activity reported throughout.

The EPS reported the following incidents on Saturday, August 31:

Police found themselves dispatched to the Westview area for a domestic disturbance, speaking to the parties and resolving the matter. Their Police and Crisis Team also helped out and offered counseling services to the parties involved.