Portage RCMP seek help to find 2 suspects in Tuesday morning B&E
Portage RCMP are looking for your help to identify two suspects involved in a break-and-enter at a business in the 1800 block of Saskatchewan Avenue West, today, on February 7 at 12:30 a.m.
Two suspects entered the business by breaking the glass in the door with a rock. They caused damage inside the business and stole several items.
Police used dogs who tracked the people to Crescent Road where they lost the scent.
One of the suspects covered their face, but wore a coat that is easily identifiable. It is a black coat with bold colours of yellow, red and blue.
Saturday afternoon speeder charged for multiple offences
A 29-year-old driver will be answering to a number of charges after a dangerous Saturday afternoon drive.
This past Saturday just before 1 p.m., an RCMP officer was patrolling Highway 1 near Portage la Prairie and observed a vehicle approaching, from behind at a high rate of speed. The vehicle would eventually pass the police cruiser and the radar would record a speed of 170 km/h in the 110 km/h zone. The officer would pull the vehicle over and it was quickly discovered more laws were being broken than just speeding.
Neepawa fire leaves 68-year-old man dead
A blaze occurred at a home on Walker Avenue in Neepawa on Thursday night.
Neepawa RCMP responded to the call along with EMS and the local fire department. Upon arrival, responders found a 68-year-old man dead at the scene.
Provinces launches fertilizer efficiency calculator
The Manitoba government announced Tuesday that they are continuing to support the agricultural industry and help producers develop resiliency for climate change by launching a new fertilizer efficiency calculator tool.
Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson made this announcement at Ag Days in Brandon this week. He says that producers work tirelessly every day to produce high-quality, affordable food while protecting the environment.
13-year-old Portage girl involved in over $5,000 damage to Oak Bay home
A 13-year-old girl from Portage has been charged for a break-and-enter in Portage la Prairie at a home on Oak Bay last week, causing over $5,000 in damage. Damage was made to both the home and its contents, and electronic equipment was stolen. The girl was arrested and is facing the following charges:
- Break and Entering,
- Mischief Over $5,000.00
- and Uttering Threats.
Others are suspected to have been involved, and RCMP continues to search for them.
RCMP on lookout for this man following theft at Saskatchewan Ave. business
A business in Portage la Prairie's 600-block on Saskatchewan Avenue West experienced a theft that occurred on December 17th. It took place at 3:45 p.m.
Portage RCMP says the suspect entered and engaged in small talk and then left. He then returned a short time later and stole two cell phones. Before police arrived, he fled, having harmed nobody.
The RCMP is looking for your help to identify the man.
The RCMP continues to investigate.
SERT targets prolific offencers, makes arrests and seizures in Dakota Tipi and Portage
Community safety was top of mind when the Manitoba RCMP, Brandon Police Service, and Manitoba First Nation Police Service joined forces and deployed to the Central Plains area of Manitoba. The goal was to reduce violent crime in communities by strategically identifying targets through intelligence and crime statistics, and then targeting those areas and prolific offenders.
Serious semi-trailer collision just east of Sidney
Portage la Prairie RCMP respond to semi-trailer collision on November 4, at about 4:50 p.m.
Amaranth RCMP looking for stolen quad
Amaranth RCMP need your help to bring a stolen quad back to its owner.
A black 2012 CanAm 1000 Outlander, licence #9L211 was reported missing from a farmyard in the RM of WestLake-Gladstone on October 24th.
If you have information, please contact the Amaranth RCMP or Manitoba Crime Stoppers.
Amaranth RCMP: (204) 843-2309
Pilot Mound fatality of 6-year-old riding scooter after ATV collision
On August 29, at 7:20 p.m., officers from Pembina Valley RCMP received a report of an ATV (side-by-side) collision involving a 6-year-old boy on a scooter on a private roadway located 16 kilometres north of Pilot Mound.
The initial investigation has determined that the 6-year-old was riding his scooter and came around a blind corner when he was struck by the ATV, being operated by a 19-year-old male. The child was taken to hospital in critical condition where he later succumbed to his injuries.
Pembina Valley RCMP continue to investigate.