La Broquerie business owner seeks seat on council

The Rural Municipality of La Broquerie has six spots for councillors and Fernand Piché is after one of those spots. 

Civic elections are coming up next month and Piché is throwing his hat in the ring to represent Ward 2. 

Born and raised in La Broquerie, Piché says community involvement has always been a big part of his life. 

Less than 1 week to submit nominations for civic elections

We will soon have a final list of candidates for this year's civic elections in Manitoba.

Nominations will be received until the end of the business day on Tuesday, September 20. 

In Winnipeg, so far, 15 people have declared that they will be running for Mayor. The capital city is guaranteed to see a new Mayor as incumbent Brian Bowman has said he will not be seeking reelection after serving two terms.

Several wards in the city have three or more people currently indicating that they will be running for City Council.

Less than one week to submit nominations for civic elections

We will soon have a list of candidates for this year's civic elections. 

Nominations will be received until the end of the business day on Tuesday, September 20th. 

Each municipal office has different hours of operation. You can find out details by visiting their website or phoning their office. 

When drop-off dates were given for submitting forms, Monday, September 19th was included.  

With that being the day of the funeral for her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, some municipalities will close for that day.

Less than 1 week to submit nominations for civic elections

We will soon have a list of candidates for this year's civic elections. 

Nominations will be received until the end of the business day on Tuesday, September 20th. 

Each municipal office has different hours of operation. You can find out details by visiting their website or phoning their office. 

When drop-off dates were given for submitting forms, Monday, September 19th was included.  

With that being the day of the funeral for her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, some municipalities will close for that day.

R.M. of Morris Reeve Ralph Groening calling it a career

After 27 years in municipal politics - 12 as Reeve for the Municipality of Morris - Ralph Groening will not be letting his name stand for re-election next month. 

"This has been a really difficult decision for me and my partner. There was lots of discussion, but there does come a time in a person's life, and this has been a minor career for me, and the decision that we've made is that I will choose to step aside and give the opportunity to lead the R.M. of Morris to someone else," explained Groening.

Municipal Relations Minister stresses the importance of upcoming elections 

The Manitoba Government is encouraging citizens who would like to make a difference in their communities to vote in upcoming municipal elections and consider running.

The province sent out a press release Thursday reminding Manitobans that the next general municipal election is slated for October 26th. With that in mind, PortageOnline reached out to municipal relations minister Eileen Clarke for her input.