R.M. of Morris Reeve Ralph Groening calling it a career

After 27 years in municipal politics - 12 as Reeve for the Municipality of Morris - Ralph Groening will not be letting his name stand for re-election next month. 

"This has been a really difficult decision for me and my partner. There was lots of discussion, but there does come a time in a person's life, and this has been a minor career for me, and the decision that we've made is that I will choose to step aside and give the opportunity to lead the R.M. of Morris to someone else," explained Groening.

Long-serving school Trustee not ready to step down

For nearly 30 years, Ron Falk has served on the Hanover School Board, and he plans to run again in the upcoming Municipal Elections.  

“I'm very excited to have been on the board for quite a number of years. There are always challenges to look forward to and opportunities, and of course, the new early-years school in Steinbach is one that I'm involved with as well, and I'd like to see that kind of goal through to fruition.” 

Another name on the ballot for council, Sainsbury interested in working on economic development

Paul Sainsbury is the newest name on the list to vote for in the Portage la Prairie election next month. 

Sainsbury says he's been a resident of Portage for more than 35 years and came to this town because of the military.

"I'm looking to make a difference," says Sainsbury. "I've been here 35-plus years and it's time to give back. I want to build on the last couple of councils where they're moving the city forward. I'd like to continue that and, hopefully, grow the city. That's a big thing."

Kleefeld and New Bothwell looking for members to form inaugural LUD committees

Two more communities in Hanover have been approved to become Local Urban Districts, or LUDs as they are commonly referred to.

For years, the Rural Municipality of Hanover has had three LUDs; Grunthal, Blumenort and Mitchell. However, the province recently gave its approval that both New Bothwell and Kleefeld will also now have LUDs.

Wife of former mayor Terrie Porter looks to join council

The wife of former mayor Earl Porter is looking to become a new member of City Council.

Terrie Porter has announced her intention to run, saying she shared an interest in politics with her husband Earl, who passed away in September of 2019. One of the driving forces behind her decision was that, due to the business they ran together for roughly 20 years, she understands what it takes to balance politics, business, and family.

As a councilor, she wants to make sure that Portage is heard when it comes to higher levels of government.

Reeve Curé is seeking another term as leader for the R.M. of De Salaberry

Darrel Curé is hoping to return as Reeve for the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry. 

He is announcing his plan to run for re-election in the October 26th civic elections. 

Curé says there were certainly some challenges during the pandemic, but the municipality was able to accomplish a lot during the past four years. 

Hiebert chasing spot on Hanover Council

A longtime business owner in Blumenort has announced his intentions to run for the Ward Three seat in the Rural Municipality of Hanover.

As a business owner in Blumenort for the last 16 years and having served on the recreation committee and currently on the Local Urban District (LUD) committee of Blumenort, Roberto Hiebert says he feels he is in tune with the needs and challenges. Hiebert, who grew up in Blumenort and raised his family there, says he stands by family values. He has also served on the local fire department.

"To be that local voice for what matters", Charmaine Toews running for HSD school board

“I am very excited to announce that I am running for school trustee in Ward 2 of that Hanover School Division. That ward represents Mitchell and Blumenort and Landmark.” 

Those are the words of Charmaine Toews.  

Toews says she is a parent that loves to get involved and not just as a field trip chaperone but in a more official capacity as well.