La Broquerie reeve candidates answer questions ahead of Wednesday’s election

Two people are running for the leadership role on council for the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie.

Current Reeve Lewis Weiss is running against current Deputy Reeve Ivan Normandeau in the October 26th election.

As we near the end of the election campaign, we asked both Weiss and Normandeau a series of questions ranging from flooding and road conditions to taxes and leadership. 

Outgoing PLPSD Board Chair calls on the public to: "Make some decisions that are going to benefit all of the students in Portage"

While the people of Portage la Prairie will vote a new mayor and council into office next week, citizens should not forget that they will also choose five trustees for the Portage la Prairie School Division Board.

Rod Brownlee, a Board Member for the last 12 years, is stepping away this time around as per his decision this past summer, citing his time had come to leave. However, he still has a massive soft spot for the board and hopes to see it flourish without him.

City of Portage - Mayoral/Council candidates speak

Over the past week, we have reached out to each Mayoral and City Council candidate to give them up approximately five minutes to speak about their platform, their ideas, and to learn a bit more from them. We received responses from all eighteen candidates and you can listen to their comments below. We randomly sorted the candidates, beginning with the Mayoral candidates, and we ask you take the time to listen to everyone. Please make sure you cast your ballot on October 26th, 2022.

Mayoral Candidates

Gerzen hopes to bring rural concerns to the La Broquerie council table

A nearly 20-year resident of the RM of La Broquerie, says he wishes to bring rural representation to Ward 2 on their council.

Timo Gerzen says there haven’t been a lot of council members from the Marchand area in past years and he feels “there’s been a big push for somebody to step up to the plate and that’s kind of my big goal.”  

Don Woodstock focusing on reducing crime and keeping streets safe if elected

Don Woodstock takes time to speak with Mike Thom about why he's running to become Mayor of Winnipeg.

This is Woodstock's second time running in the mayoral election. 

"Over the years I've lived here and worked here," says Woodstock. "I'm a community-minded individual. It seems there's a disconnect between city government and what the citizens are receiving. Meanwhile, so many lives are touched by city politics and this disconnect is one of the primary reasons for pushing me."

Candidates outline priorities, vision for the future of Western School Division at forum

Candidates vying for a seat in Western School Division's Ward One this election participated in an all-candidates forum Tuesday in Morden. The event was hosted by the Western Teachers' Association and CUPE Local 5238.

There are six people running for four positions around the board table.

The group was asked a set of five pre-determined questions as part of the forum. They were:

All Candidates Forum draws large crowd - listen to it here

The Portage and District Chamber of Commerce held an All Candidates Forum in front of a packed house at Yellowquill School last night. (listen to the entire broadcast below) Three of the four mayoral candidates and all 14 of the people running for council attended the event and all had an opportunity to make an opening and closing statement.

Kenora Municipal election: Voting stats Oct. 20

There are a few days left for residents of Kenora to cast their ballots for the Municipal Election. 

As of yesterday, (October 19, 2022) 2,967 (26.9%) of the 11,042 eligible voters have voted. The average turn-out for electors is 329.7 per day. 

Polls close at 8:00 p.m. on October 24, 2022. 

Eligible voters should have received a voter information letter in the mail, which includes instructions on how to vote online or by phone, a unique PIN number and information of their local voter help centre. 

Candidates seeking Ward 1 seats in the RM of Stanley participate in Tuesday 'Meet & Greet'

Four of the five candidates seeking a Ward 1 position on the RM of Stanley Council participated in a 'roundtable discussion' Tuesday evening. The event was co-hosted by the Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce and the Morden Chamber of Commerce.

Incumbent Peter H. Froese, who is also seeking a seat in Ward 1, was not able to attend Tuesday's event.