Culvert replacement underway along Hwy 201 near Stuartburn

Highway construction crews have been working along Hwy 201 between Stuartburn and Hwy 59 in southern Manitoba in recent weeks.

Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn, Michelle Gawronsky says, “I was very excited to see the signs going up, telling us that there was going to be culvert work done. And it's the intermunicipal road between Emerson-Franklin and the RM of Stuartburn.” Gawronsky adds, “This is long time in coming.”

No more band-aids in 2024, says Stuartburn Reeve

Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn says, “no more Band-Aids” when it comes to infrastructure repairs in her RM.

Michelle Gawronsky made the comment, when asked about their projects for 2024.

“We're looking at the roads and the damage that the roads were left in, from the conditions last spring. We don't want to be putting band aids on anymore. We want to be putting our tax dollars to full use.”

2024 brings hope of new vehicle charging stations in Sunrise Corner

2024 will be an exciting year for residents of Sunrise Corner according to Martin Van Osch, Chief Executive Officer for the Rural Municipality of Piney.

Beginning with the addition of more electric vehicle charging stations in the RM. Van Osch says their grant application to the Federal Government went out before Christmas and now,

RM of Stuartburn Reeve boasts "best RM in the southeast"

Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn says the past year has been a time of working together with other municipalities to make the southeast a better place to live.  

Michelle Gawronski says, besides the learning curve of working with new council members and office staff, they have made sure all the i's were dotted and t’s were crossed. Besides a busy day-to-day schedule, she has also connected with neighboring communities on several projects.  

"We've got a lot of exciting things happening" - RM of Piney CAO positive about past year

The RM of Piney and Sunrise Corner has made a lot of progress in 2023, when it comes to accessibility, transportation and taking steps toward a greener southeast corner of the province.   

Chief Administrative Officer for the RM, Martin Van Osch notes they are very pleased to announce that they’ve entered into a Memorandum of Cooperation with Buffalo Point First Nation for the improvement of services to residents and ratepayers that live in the Southeast Manitoba.  

Ukrainian Orthodox Church returns to 100 year old Christmas tradition

There is a change in the more than 100-year-old tradition for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church around the world, and here in southeast Manitoba.  

Daryna Malyukh, president of the Ukrainian Association of the Southeast says, most members of the church won’t remember when Christmas was celebrated on December 24, and she tells us the history.