2023 will see another increase in minimum wage in Manitoba

Minimum wage earners in Manitoba received an increase in October and another increase is expected in spring. 

Our province's hourly minimum wage increased this fall from $11.95 to $13.50. A further increase of 65 cents per hour will happen on April 1st, raising the minimum wage to $14.15. With the expected consumer price index increase for 2022, the next indexed adjustment will bring Manitoba's minimum wage to around $15 per hour in October of 2023. 

Taking a closer look at historical Mennonite floor patterns

Margruite Krahn got a close look at the floor pattern in the summer kitchen at Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach. She was asked to recreate the colourful floor pattern in September and managed to get a lot of the work completed before the weather turned too cold to continue. 

Senior Curator Andrea Klassen says that was a big task and an important one. 

Taking a closer look at historical Mennonite floor patterns

Margruite Krahn got a close look at the floor pattern in the summer kitchen at Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach. She was asked to recreate the colourful floor pattern in September and managed to get a lot of the work completed before the weather turned too cold to continue. 

Senior Curator Andrea Klassen says that was a big task, and an important one.