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Alberta Health minister Tyler Shandro says we're transitioning from a pandemic to managing a virus that will remain with us.

While welcoming the lifting of most health restrictions, Alberta Health minister Tyler Shandro reminded Albertans that COVID is still very much with us.

"COVID will continue to be something we have to manage, something we have to respond to, like any other communicable infection. But that's the point. We're transitioning from a pandemic that changes everything about how we live, to a virus that we control with vaccinations, and learning to live with, like other infectious diseases and other health problems."

He says some rules and best practices will remain in place, including isolation for those infected, protective measures in care systems, and masking in specific settings.

He also encouraged people to continue common-sense practices, like regular washing hands.

The specifics of what will remain in place in Step 3 are being developed, and you can expect some of these practices to continue.

Booking second-dose appointments

The vaccination schedule continues to be accelerated, thanks to an expanded supply being made available by the federal government.

First doses continue to be prioritized.

Albertans who had their first immunization with Pfizer or Moderna (mRNA vaccine) four weeks ago or more can book their second dose through the Alberta Health Services online here, by calling Health Link at 811 or through participating physicians and pharmacies.

Albertans who received the first dose of AstraZeneca should continue to wait a minimum of eight weeks before booking their second dose to ensure the best effectiveness.
