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The following story is the 2nd top article published to Swift Current Online in 2023; keep coming back as we unveil the rest of the lineup over the next week.

The Village of Richmound has been home to a host of unwanted guests as of late. 

Romana Didulo, an individual who self-proclaims themself to be the "Queen of Canada", has been staying at the former Richmound School, at the invitation of the property owner. 

Since arriving on September 15, she and her followers have been disrupting life in the village. Residents have been chased in the streets by Didulo and others from her group in vehicles while taking photographs of residents. 

For Richmound Mayor, Brad Miller, the trouble has been a constant headache not only as the mayor but also as someone with family affected by the situation. 

"My dad and mother were out with my aunt and uncle," said Miller. "They came back to Richmound, where I live, and they drove up to the ball diamond and right away a guy got out and started taking their pictures. They thought it was quite hilarious." 

The school building has been fenced off, with 'No Trespassing' signs being posted around the property. Guards sit in vehicles, watching the perimeter, reporting anyone who comes up to the property line to a security person. 

When approached for comment, security declined, stating that no one from Didulo's camp would have anything to say. They then warned that anyone stepping over the line was trespassing. A camera is pointed at individuals any time they approach, filming them until they leave. 

RCMP have been in contact with town members on more than one occasion, even sending down cruisers on at least one occasion to check in. 

"For the rally, they were here with two RCMP detachment cars," said Miller. "They gave us a lot of support that way. I was really happy with the response." 

The situation in town has many feeling scared. They are wary of these people, who they feel are looking to provoke a response from anyone who lives in the village. 

"I get a lot of calls lately and they asked me 'if you think that our kids are safe' and deep down I think we are," said Miller. "But in the same sense, it's just not for me to call."

Miller has had recent meetings with the surrounding towns and villages and has spoken with those who live around the area. All are extending support to the Village of Richmound, with plans to have a gathering to hopefully force these troublemakers out of town. 

"I've had a lot of support," said Miller. "They said just let us know when the next one is going to be. We're going to have a barbecue and at the Lions Booth up on top of the hill there. I think it will be probably 2-400 people coming. Tons of support and maybe we can [convince these guys to leave]." 

The playground has had to be closed to children, to avoid the possibility of a child being confronted by Didulo or her people. 

"Which is terrible," said Miller. "We're going to rope off the playground and put up signs saying 'please do not use'. Which is sad. The [property perimeter] is only about 50 to 100 feet away from the playground."

Miller has expressed that work is being done to not only remedy the current situation but to prevent it in the future. As it stands, no bylaws are being observed broken by the folks staying on the property. Unless they sleep inside the school, which is not rated for residence, there is no real option for kicking them out. 

"If they go in there and take up residence, our zoning bylaw could kick in," said Miller. "Or one of our bylaws. That's what we're waiting for. Hoping and waiting for that if we can get some pictures or video them sleeping in there, I think that would be offside."

Come winter, Miller expects they will either break the bylaw and start sleeping inside, or they will be forced to move on or risk freezing to death outside. 

For now, work continues both by the general public and by elected officials on finding a solution to the situation. The Village of Richmound is currently resting in quiet tension, as small confrontations continue to happen. 

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Author Alias