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East Borderland Community Housing.
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East Borderland Community Housing.

The Southeast is looking forward to a brand new 20-room assisted living housing community in Sprague.

The Timberline Community Housing project in Sprague received a $40,000 grant from CMHC earlier this year. 

Monique Chenier from the RM of Piney says what they were able to do with the money. 

“We updated our business plan as well as contracted an architect to do the architectural schematics, so those initial plans, on what the facility will look like."

She says they are looking forward to revealing those design plans to the public this spring.

“It gives everyone a visual of what the 20-room assisted living facility will look like in our region and build some excitement around that project as we continue to push to fundraise to get it built.” 


They have been working on this project for some years with the East Borderland Community Housing nonprofit group.  

Chenier says the feeling surrounding this project is very positive.  

“We've had a renewal on our board this year with a huge number of directors stepping forward to lead this initiative coming from all walks of life around the RM, and that is creating a whole new level of excitement about the project and that visual to see it completed.” 

She is excited to push forward and launch the new facility design drawings for people to see what rooms and common areas would look like. They also see the drawings helping their fundraising efforts move forward.  

Chenier adds CMHC has been very supportive of this project and they are helping them through it every step of the way. 



With files from Adi Loewen 

Author Alias