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Apart from the news of the By-Election, Red City Council held their regular meeting on Monday, January 22nd. Here are some of the highlights from that meeting:

Consideration of Notice of Motion:

  • City Council moved to postpone consideration of a Notice of Motion regarding Red Deer’s Overdose Prevention Site, submitted by Councillor Vesna Higham as part of today’s Regular Meeting.
    • City Council resolved to hold a Special Council Meeting to be held at 9 a.m. on February 15, 2024, for a non-statutory public hearing for the Notice of Motion by Councillor Vesna Higham: Overdose Prevention Site.
    • This will enable citizens to speak to City Council about the topic on February 15, 2024, as part of the Special Meeting.

Revised Borrowing Bylaw:

  • City Council considered first reading of a bylaw amendment for the Borrowing Bylaw to revise the maximum quoted interest rates is recommended. In previous years, Council approved borrowing bylaws for various capital projects that are budgeted to require borrowing as a funding source. Interest rates have risen, and a risk now exists that interest rates will exceed those authorized within the borrowing bylaw.
  • The Bylaw will return to Council on February 20, 2024, for consideration of second and third reading.

Emergency Services Fees and Charges Bylaw amendments:

  • City Council considered first reading to an amendment for the Emergency Services Department Fees and Charges Bylaw to incorporate the provision of Emergency Services Department employees or apparatus (vehicle or equipment) on standby as a service and fee charge.
  • The Bylaw will return to Council on February 5, 2024, for consideration of second and third reading.

Citizen Representative Appointments to Committees, Quasi-Judicial Boards and External Boards and Societies:

  • City Council appointed one member for the Municipal Planning Commission for a two-year term.