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Saskatchewan's highways tend to turn into a skating rink this time of year, whether ice-cold conditions are causing freeze-ups leading to icy patches, or it's just pavement frost coming out to play.

The concept of pavement frost makes sense, but what does it actually mean? The Saskatchewan Highway Hotline shared the following message to their Facebook back on January 23.

"With warmer weather expected this week, there is a risk of pavement frost, especially when temperatures rise to near zero," it stated. "When warm pavement temperatures are combined with colder air, there is a chance ice can form on the road surface. This can cause a build-up of frost that can make roads slick."


The Highway Hotline shared how these temperatures can create "black ice", a nearly invisible road hazard that creates treacherous driving conditions. Black ice can be formed in a number of ways.

"When cold air circulates above and below the surface, like bridges and overpasses, black ice can form," shared the post. "Black ice may form when the snow melts or the pavement warms from the exhaust or heat from tires." 

One way to combat black ice is with studded snow tires. Especially ahead of the weekend, remember to check the Highway Hotline for updated road conditions.

Author Alias