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Trustees (left to right): Vice Chair Melissa Copley, Linda Wagers, De Anne Hutchison, Sherry Cooper, Chair Holly Bilton, Terry Leslie, Jackie Swainson, Kathy Kemmere, Gord Kerr

At the February 6th regular Chinook's Edge School Division (CESD) board meeting some of the topics discussed included resource allocation and new land acknowledgement. 

Here are some of the highlights from the meeting: 

Board considers processes and timelines for resource allocation in 2024-25 school year

Trustees appreciated hearing about the process Chinook’s Edge uses to allocate the resources it receives. Nadeem Altaf, Treasurer, and Ray Hoppins, Associate Superintendent, described the Chinook’s Edge process, which prioritizes fairness and transparency. Hoppins described how feedback is received from school based leaders at a collaborative day in March, where the leaders see each other’s staffing levels and projected student enrollments. Based on those discussions, and on provincial budget announcements, the division provides schools specific information about their budgets for the next school year, usually in April. The division also regularly seeks feedback from school based leaders about the budgeting process itself, to ensure fairness and transparency.

Board will support school council reps to attend ASCA conference

The Board is supportive of school councils accessing resources available to them through the Alberta School Councils Association. The Board voted in favour of providing support for 10 representatives to attend the ASCA 2024 conference, based on requests received from school councils and the intent of the Board to share the opportunity throughout the division. The Board is very pleased with the high level of interest. It has also asked its governance committee to develop a framework for how the Board will respond to requests for attendance at future conferences.

Board learns about the development of a new Land Acknowledgement

Karyn Barber, Associate Superintendent, updated the Board about the work to develop a new Chinook’s Edge land acknowledgement. Trustees were given some initial wording that the division is considering. The process of developing a new statement has involved engaging with various staff groups and students, and also collaboration with Indigenous helpers. The division plans to have a final Chinook’s Edge land acknowledgement complete by the end of the school year. The Board thanked Barber for the work underway, and recognizes the work as an important part of Truth and Reconciliation.

Barber also provided an update on The Four Seasons of Reconciliation, an online learning opportunity focused on Indigenous history in Canada, made available for any interested staff this year. The original goal was to have 500 staff participate; Barber said 550 staff have either completed or begun their learning. Chinook’s Edge plans to provide an opportunity for parents to participate next year.

Policy committee working on trustee code of conduct

The Board has asked its policy committee to review its Trustee Code of Conduct. The work is underway to make revisions and additions to the policy and those will be brought back to the Board

The next meeting of the Board of Chinook’s Edge School Division is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 12, 2024
