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Lisa Arnesen-Davidson, photo provided by Chinook's Edge School Divison

Bowden Grandview School has nominated Lisa Arnesen-Davidson, one of its Grade 9 students, for the Honouring Spirit: Indigenous Student Award through the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA). The award recognizes First Nations, Métis and Inuit students in Alberta, “who model strength and commitment in the pursuit of their personal education path and embrace their own gifts, strengths and potential while celebrating the ways of their people.” 

“When I found out about this award, I knew immediately that we needed to nominate Lisa,” said Kelli Northrup, a Bowden Grandview teacher. Northrup wrote in her nomination letter: “Lisa’s skillsare numerous and impressive, and she amazes us with skills and traits like humility, honesty, charisma and passion.”

“When I found out about the nomination, I was excited,” said Lisa Arnesen-Davidson. “It’s pretty cool. It’s like saying I take action, and that I’m trying to help make my school and community better.”

Arnesen-Davidson, who has Cree and Métis heritage, notes she is one of only a few Indigenous students attending her school, so it means a lot to her that her teachers are noticing her efforts to share her Indigenous culture with other students.

"When I was younger, I sometimes felt a little bit shy about sharing my culture in front of others,” said Arnesen-Davidson. “Now I’m getting older and I have learned more about my culture. I take pride in being Indigenous, and I know I have knowledge that I can share.”

**With information provided by Chinook's Edge School Division
