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Lacombe County fire permit season starts on March 1.  
File photo.

Lacombe County is reminding residents that fire permit season starts on March 1.  

In an effort to ensure community safety and environmental protection, the county enforces the requirement for fire permits for controlled burns.  

Unauthorized burning could lead to significant fines and charges.   

“Fire permits are not only free and easy to obtain, but they also provide a crucial layer of safety for our residents and their neighbours,” Dion Burlock, Director of Community Services said. “Each permit includes detailed requirements to guarantee that burns are conducted safely and responsibly.”  

Lacombe County's Fire Protection Policy outlines the consequences of burning without a permit. Offenders will face a mandatory $300 flat rate charge for fire department responses not requiring suppression efforts and potential charges under the Forest and Prairie Protection Act.   

Property owners will be held financially responsible for fires resulting from negligence or failure to comply with permit conditions.  

Given the dry winter, the county is urging residents to vigilantly monitor any winter piles, as they can smoulder unnoticed and reignite, posing a significant fire risk in spring.   

“It's critical to ensure that all controlled burns are fully extinguished and to adhere to safe burning practices throughout the year,” Burlock said.  

Obtaining a fire permit can be done in person at the Lacombe County office during regular business hours, by contacting the Community Services Department, or online here.   
