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Saskatchewan drivers were caught failing to stop or yield at intersections 781 times in January. 

This includes not stopping fully at stop signs, not giving right of way at a yield sign, and not stopping at a red light.  

SGI’s spotlights for the beginning of the year are focusing on collisions, said Tyler McMurchy, spokesperson with SGI. “Intersections are where nearly half of all collisions take place in Saskatchewan.” 

Tickets for failures to stop or yield are $230. “The financial cost of the ticket is expensive. The financial cost of a collision even more so,” added McMurchy.  

McMurchy points to other costs that can happen in a collision at an intersection, including insurance deductibles, not having a car to drive while it’s being repaired, and getting Safe Driver Recognition demerits.  

“That doesn’t even take into account the potential risk to your safety if you are in a collision where you have passed through an intersection contrary to a red light or a stop sign.” 

 Saskatchewan motorists in January also received: 

  • 3,501 tickets for aggressive driving and speeding 

  • 495 distracted driving tickets (403 involving cellphones) 

  • 459 impaired driving offences 

  • 227 tickets due to no seatbelts or improper car seats/boosters 

Author Alias