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The provincial government is investing $125 million over five years for Alberta’s new Drought and Flood Protection Program, if Budget 2024 is passed.
Screen capture from Government of Alberta's "Protecting communities from drought and floods" – March 4, 2024 YouTube video.


The provincial government is investing $125 million over five years for Alberta’s new Drought and Flood Protection Program.   

The program was designed to develop long-term infrastructure needed to protect communities against flood and drought, but it is dependent on the passing of Budget 2024.   

“Droughts and floods can devastate public infrastructure and private property, disrupt our economy, damage the environment, and put lives at risk. The new Drought and Flood Protection Program would help communities across the province build the practical infrastructure they need to help protect people’s homes and keep businesses going, regardless of the weather,” said Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas.  

The program will help fund the design and construction of projects to protect infrastructure from flooding and drought, such as improving drainage or water retention ponds, stabilizing riverbanks, and constructing flood barriers. 

“As rural municipalities manage over 85 per cent of Alberta’s land mass, including many areas that historically face drought and flood risks, many have prioritized increased flood and drought monitoring, resilience and mitigation projects. Because Alberta faces a hotter and drier future with increased occurrences of major storms, provincial support for local rural resiliency projects will become a more and more important investment in protecting rural communities, residents, and industries. RMA is pleased with the introduction of the Drought and Flood Protection Program, and we look forward to seeing the innovative ways that the funding would be put to use by rural municipalities to lessen impacts of drought and flood events,” said Paul McLauchlin, president, Rural Municipalities of Alberta.  

In addition to the program, the provincial government has also launched a Water Advisory Committee to develop long-term strategies, and Alberta’s Drought Command Team has started negotiations with water licence holders to mitigate the risk of drought.   

The program is expected to launch later in the year.   

