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Student Support Rooms throughout Red Deer Public Schools are making a significant difference in ensuring all students have the best opportunities to learn.  
Photo provided by Red Deer Public Schools.

Red Deer Public Schools Student Support Rooms are making a significant difference in ensuring all students have the best opportunities to learn.  

“Red Deer Public began implementing 18 Student Support Rooms in our elementary and middle schools in fall of 2023,” said Nicola Golby, Associate Superintendent of Student Services. “These rooms are a place for students to go when they need to regulate their emotions, display big behaviors, or to connect with an adult while maintaining dignity in a more private space.” 

On average about 40 students use the room in schools each day for many reasons including scheduled breaks that have been pre-arranged with teachers, students who are dysregulated, and students who need a quiet place to work or to move their body to release excess energy. 

“Teachers spend the majority of their time connecting with students in the Student Support Room, and looking to identify what they need,” Golby said. “That could be playing a game, it could be imaginative play, it could be reading a book with the ultimate goal of regulating and returning to the classroom to reconnect with their teacher and their peers so they can continue to have a successful day.” 

Since the implementation, the impact of the rooms has been noticed throughout the schools.  

“We have a safe place for students to go for regulation, which translates to calmer classrooms, calmer hallways and calmer office spaces for all students to have a better opportunity to learn,” Golby said. “Schools are sharing wonderful things about the impact the Student Support Rooms are having on their buildings and how they have quickly become an integral part of their space. We are so glad there is a space where students can connect, where they can regulate and where they can move on with their day in a positive way.” 



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