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Calgary Stampede grounds (file photo)

Alberta Health officials say the Calgary Stampede has not become a "super-spreader" event for COVID-19.

Nearly 529,000 people attended the Stampede from July 8-18 and while some positive cases were found early on, it doesn't appear to be a significant driver of rising COVID-19 cases in the province.

Tom McMillan with Alberta Health said so far, only 71 positive cases have been attributed to the Stampede.

"The source of exposure is determined by the local health officials investigating each confirmed case," the statement reads. "This is a testament to the strong public health measures that were put in place by the organizers, as well as the diligent way they were applied and maintained throughout the event."

The numbers are in and over half a million people came out to the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth this summer.

This news comes as Alberta climbed back to over 1,000 active cases after weeks of declining numbers.

However, Dr. Deena Hinshaw believes the vast majority of positive tests are from unvaccinated Albertans.

Hinshaw is scheduled to provide a COVID-19 update Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 to address the virus in the province and the current vaccination numbers.
