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The Lacombe and District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) spring Fill a Fridge program is now open for applications, for residents seeking a little help with their grocery bills.  

Fill a Fridge began as a program the FCSS offered during the holidays, but during the pandemic, they felt there was a need to offer the program twice a year.  

“It's fully supported by the kind donations of our community, businesses, and our neighbours to make sure nobody goes hungry,” said Executive Director of the Lacombe FCSS, Crystal Zens.  

In 2023, the program served nearly 900 residents in Lacombe, Bentley, Clive, Alix, and Lacombe County.   

The FCSS has partnered with local grocery stores to maximize their reach and make a difference in the community.  

“This is a very important initiative because it provides people the autonomy and independence to choose their own food and perhaps get things that they wouldn't normally be able to access otherwise,” Zens said.   

The FCSS has heard from clients that because of the program, they can pick up items they would have normally had to cut out of their grocery list because of the cost.  

“It's getting harder and harder every year, and so this is a way that our community gives back and really takes care of each other,” Zens said.   

Going forward, residents experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to fill out an application online here, until April 19 to access the program.  

Residents can also visit the FCSS office in the Lacombe Memorial Centre to fill out an application in person.  

To qualify for the program, residents must meet the same income eligibility requirements as the Government of Alberta. 
