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a gaggle of Mrs. Ropers (photo from facebook page)

For anyone who watched T.V. in the 70's/80's it's hard not to remember Mrs. Roper from the hit sitcom "Three's Company". Mrs. Roper along with her husband Stanley were the caretakers and  key characters in the show.

Now you have a chance to channel your inner Mrs. Roper with a fundraiser called the Sylvan Lake's Mrs. Roper's Romp on Saturday (April 27).

Annette Brown the organizer of the event talks about how it came about. 

"I actually saw other events on Tik Tok and then found out from a friend that they had turned it into a fundraiser. So I thought, let's join the social aspect of a Mrs. Roper's Romp and make it a fundraiser for the local food bank and the little free pantry at the Sylvan Lake Library."

The idea for the event is to dress up as Mrs. Roper, and then "romp" to four different establishments on Lakeshore Drive in Sylvan. If you would like to dress as Stanley Roper or Ralph Furley that is ok too says Brown.

There is a $20 participation fee with proceeds going the Sylvan Lake Municipal Library Little Free Pantry and the Sylvan Lake Food Bank!

Tickets are limited to 125 participants-once $20 is e-transferred it’s unfortunately non- refundable as this is for charity. 

If you would like more information click here.
