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AssiniboiaCivicCentre - file photo

Assiniboia’s Civic Centre was torn down on Wednesday last week. 

Steph VanDeSype, recreation and community wellness manager with the Town of Assiniboia, said that the facility was originally constructed in 1956. “At the time, it was built dual-purpose – both as grain storage, and as a hockey rink.” 

Plenty of hockey games and championships have taken place at the Civic Centre over the year, with the final skate at the rink happening in April 2021. 

“We also hosted the RCMP Musical Ride that same June, and that was the last time it was used,” added VanDeSype. 

Sharon Schauenberg, mayor of Assiniboia, said it's surreal to see the now-empty space. “The crew came in on Wednesday. By Thursday it was down; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were cleanup.” 

She said there are mixed emotions to see it gone. “A lot of memories, a lot of hockey, a lot of good times, a lot of hot chocolate drank at the rink, a lot of conversations – it's very bittersweet.” 

Schauenberg added that part of building their new recreation centre was demolishing the Civic Centre. “Possibly people wanted it to be utilized for other events, but it was aged. There was some rotting going on – it was truly at the end of its life.” 

Its replacement is the Southland Co-op Centre that was officially opened in 2022, which contains an NHL-sized hockey rink, walking track, gym, and rock-climbing wall.  

VanDeSype said that the Civic Centre is represented at the Southland Co-op Centre through a digital trophy case in the Southland Co-op Centre. “We took photos of every banner, every picture, every trophy in the old rink, and we have that in our digital frame.” 

Old banners at the Civic Centre were amalgamated onto new banners for the new facility.  

Schauenberg spoke about future for the empty land, though there are no specifics at this point. “We’re working hand-in-hand with our wonderful Assiniboia Civic Improvement Association. They’re a great group of volunteers who raise money through the Spring Fever lottery which they’re running right now.” 

Author Alias