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A Credit Union 20 years ago, now the Vita Food Bank location

The Vita Food Bank moved to a new location in January 2024. They are still based in Vita but not the visitation shelter as one would have expected.

Food Coordinator, Jane Roman says, “Well, we never did move into that. We never got that far.” She continues noting that one of their Board Members had an idea to move the Vita Food Bank into an empty building in Vita.

Roman notes, "So, last fall, we talked to the owner (of the building) and ended up renting it.” She adds for now, they will just rent the former Credit Union building and not do any renovations, as the space meets their needs.

Roman is thankful for all the volunteers that are coming to the food bank to help pack up hampers twice a month. She also appreciates the current Board Members for their valuable input, and notes at the time they have a full slate around the table.

The Vita and Area Food Bank is very much a bare-bones operation, and their social media page says, “Besides our setup costs, our major operating expenses, the rental $500 a month as well as hydro and cell phone. If we distribute 33 hampers every two weeks, we spend an average of $35 on each hamper, and so the cost is over $30,000.”

Roman notes that setting up the Vita and Area Food Bank has been a lot of work over the past months. “Every two weeks we have to get the food into the building. Then distributed, and making sure we are keeping track of everything, it all takes time, and energy, and planning.”

She says although they are no longer getting assistance from Grunthal Helping Hands Food Bank, “They were a great help. They helped us get to the point where we can do this on our own. And besides, they needed to be relieved of that extra work.”

Roman adds, “I just hope it continues to get easier. Actually, the longer we do it, hopefully we'll get a system set up and that kind of thing where it works easier. So yeah, it's coming along.”

“We're, well, on our way. We are here to stay. I believe, for a time.”

To register, and to get more information about receiving a hamper please contact 204-408-0803 or email vitafoodbank@gmail.com

Author Alias