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The firefighters tried in vain to help the girl wiggle free but had to resort to cutting the play structure to get her out. (Keanna Deslaurier)

The mother of the little girl who was rescued by the Tache Fire Department after getting stuck in a play structure, says she could not be more thankful. 

The girl got herself wedged into a thick plastic drum component of a play structure at a Lorette school last weekend. The fire department had to cut the play structure to get her out. 

The girl's mother, Keanna Deslaurier, recounts the situation. 

“It was a typical Sunday, we decided to go to the park in the evening and next thing you know, all I hear is 'mom, I'm stuck' and I run over and Nevaeh is squished in this drum thing and she was literally a pretzel. to this day I don't understand how she fit in there, but I guess she wiggled enough to get in there to get stuck." 

Deslaurier says she and a friend that was with her tried to get Nevaeh out for a few minutes noting “I tried to get her leg out, I tried to wiggle her around, but she was so stuck in there, there was just no way. So, I called the fire department.” 

Fortunately, Deslaurier says the Tache Fire Department was incredibly quick to respond, showing up in approximately three minutes.

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A firefighter inspects the drum in which the young girl was stuck. (Keanna Deslaurier)

Eight-year-old Nevaeh explains how she got into the thick plastic drum component of the play structure. 

“I put my head in and then after that I scooched back and put my leg up because I was playing the game. I was trying to move my leg and then couldn't.”  

Fortunately, Nevaeh was unharmed. She says it was definitely scary, and she did cry at the time, but she feels much better now.  

Similarly, Deslaurier says she did try to hold it together, but “I of course I had tears in my eyes and I was crying. When they started to bring up the tool that they cut the plastic, I lost it.” 

Deslaurier says the firefighters were amazing and she has a message for them.  

“I just want to say thank you so much for helping my daughter as fast as you could.” She adds “They put my daughter first, they covered her with their jackets when they cut the plastic, it was just unbelievable. I am so grateful for them. There's nothing more that I could say, I'm just so grateful that they put in all the time and effort into helping my daughter.” 

Not only is it a call to service that the fire department will never forget, but Deslaurier says Nevaeh will have a story to tell for the rest of her life as well. 

Author Alias