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SMR concept Provided by SaskPower November7_2022
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The Small Modular Reactor as envisioned for construction by Elbow. (SMR concept Provided by SaskPower)

Even with the deadline of 2050 still a long way away, the recent Memorandum of Understanding between the westernmost prairie provinces promises good economic growth. 

Alberta and Sask. both entered into the MOU on nuclear power generation last week, ensuring the need for sustainable and reliable energy that can meet demands is a joint effort and concern. 

For the communities up for consideration of SaskPower's Small Modular Reactors, like Estevan, the promise of nuclear power industry grows all the more enticing. 

David Brock, vice president of energy security at the Crown Investments Corporation of Sask., says that the possible economic growth that would come with the industry demand is very much a boon of this arrangement. 

"We see not only demand in areas like highly skilled jobs such as nuclear operators," said Brock. "As well as many construction jobs in areas such as pipe fitters and welders, which of course speaks to the industrial strength of Sask. overall."

Many skilled workers who are still hurting from the slowing down of the oilfield industry may be able to find new riches as labourers in the construction of the SMR infrastructure. 

There is also the demand for highly skilled engineers and labourers at the nuclear power facility which will need to be filled. This will attract permanent residents to the town of Elbow, along with the surrounding area. Growth is good, because not only do they fill in a position at work, but they help generate a need for other jobs. More families would see a trickle-down effect in a need for more child care, more physicians, and more teachers as the families continue to grow. The possibility for the SMR to generate not only electricity but community is a very big deal. 

"In addition to that, a growing demand for nuclear supplies and workers [will grow] across the country as provinces such as Alberta, Ontario New Brunswick and Saskatchewan look at building out their nuclear capacity, and as countries around the world look at tripling nuclear capacity by 2050," said Brock. 

The MOU will see Sask. and Alberta working to not only meet each other's demands for power in times of excess and shortages but to both grow the field for future grid resilience and capability. 

Author Alias