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Penhold Fire Chief Sean Pendergast will represent the province’s Medical First Response agencies on the Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee.
Photo provided by the Town of Penhold.

The Town of Penhold's Fire Chief has been appointed to represent the province’s Medical First Response (MRF) agencies on the Alberta Emergency Medical Services Standing Committee (AEMSSC).   

Sean Pendergast was appointed by Health Minister Adriana LaGrange.   

“It’s certainly an honour to be appointed by Health Minister Adriana LaGrange. The AEMSSC provides ground-level insight to Alberta Emergency Medical Services system, as we look to better the future of EMS in Alberta,” Pendergast said.  

The committee’s scope is to provide advice to the Minister of Health on issues and solutions related to Alberta’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system and to serve as the primary point of focus for providing a comprehensive understanding of the performance of Alberta’s EMS system. 
