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PPC candidate Nadine Wellwood has posted a YouTube video telling Derek Sloan to go home and leave Alberta for Albertans.

A negative reaction came swiftly to Derek Sloan's candidacy announcement from People's Party of Canada (PPC) candidate Nadine Wellwood.

"Derek Sloan, go home. Respectfully, Alberta doesn't need more Ottawa," she says in a YouTube video.  

“Obviously, Sloan lacks the confidence and the courage to run in his own riding, where he would face a strong Liberal opponent," states Wellwood in a written statement. "So, he has decided to come to Alberta in an attempt to steal one of Alberta’s seats, denying an Albertan a voice in the House of Commons."

She called him another egotistical, selfish Ottawa transplant that sees Albertans as nothing more than an opportunity to advance his own political career.

"If Derek Sloan wanted to help Alberta, he would have thrown his support behind an Alberta candidate and shown some real leadership. Instead, he has chosen to be selfish, and in doing so displayed his own weakness as a leader."

PPC candidate Wellwood is making her second run for the Banff-Airdrie federal seat.
