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Emcee for the Blackfalds Youth Recognition Night, Darcy Stingel interviews award nominee Airyn Krohn.
Photo provided by Blackfalds FCSS.

The Town of Blackfalds celebrated the dedication of youth volunteers in the community during the Youth Recognition Night on May 2.   

The event featured a red carpet, live music, performances, and presentations of the Dylan Stork Youth Ambassador Award, and the Leaders of Tomorrow Awards to celebrate National Youth Week, recognizing the involvement of young people in the community.

Cara Kroetsch, Blackfalds Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Volunteer Programmer explained that the Youth Recognition Night celebrates youth in the community and encourages volunteerism.   

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Blackfalds Deputy Mayor Jim Sands introducing the Dylan Stork Youth Ambassador recipient Ben Adey along with Mayor Jamie Hoover and Scott Maetche, Corporate Communications Specialist for MEGlobal Canada, sponsor of the Blackfalds Youth Recognition Night.
Photo provided by Blackfalds FCSS.

“It's an impactful way for us to have long-lasting memories,” Kroetsch said. “It creates and fosters that volunteerism in our community.”  

She added that volunteering is a rewarding experience and has a lot of benefits for youth.  

“It's great for the mind and soul, and there's tons of opportunities for youth to volunteer in our community,” she said.   


Here are the Youth Recognition Night recipients:  

Dylan Stork Youth Ambassador Award:  

Ben Adey for being involved in the school community by playing on the volleyball and basketball teams.  

Adey is known in the school for being a leader, a positive role model, someone who always displays sportsmanship on and off the court, and for volunteering to help others, recently earning the Citizenship Award at his school.   

Outside of school, Adey plays lacrosse and is the captain of his soccer team. He not only earns top marks and plays on a variety of teams, but his business ventures set him apart. He owns and operates a 3D printing business, which he sells in three stores and local markets.  

Adey is described as humble, hardworking, ambitious, and friendly while also being confident and not afraid to take risks. He demonstrates commitment with everything he takes on, establishing high expectations of himself, while also treating others around him with unwavering respect.   


Leaders of Tomorrow Elementary:  

Corrado Citrigno is a member of the Blackfalds Youth Crew and showcases the spirit of community service and volunteering.  

He consistently goes above and beyond, willingly staying after programming to help whenever needed.  

Citrigno’s enthusiasm for helping others is infectious, and often motivates and inspires those around him. His compassionate nature fosters meaningful connections that enhance everything and everyone he encounters.   

He is always willing to volunteer whenever the opportunities are available and is described as a natural leader, who leads by example.   

He inspires others with his passion for community service and encourages others to join him in making a difference.   


Leaders of Tomorrow Junior High:  

Eva Boomer for embodying the values of community service and leadership.   

Her enthusiasm is described as infectious, and one of her most striking qualities.   

Boomer is the President of the Student Council and showcases exceptional communication skills by advocating for the student body in meetings with the principal, addressing large audiences during pep rallies, and representing the Student Council at fundraisers.   

Outside of school, Boomer dedicates her time as a junior coach at Dancer’s Edge, where she builds connections, supports the lead teacher, assists with event planning, and volunteers.  

Boomer inspires her guides and peers through her involvement and dedication. Her ongoing contributions as a youth leader continue to inspire those around her and enrich both the school and the wider community.   


Leaders of Tomorrow Junior High:  

Kennedy Bertelsen is known for her outstanding leadership qualities, trustworthiness, and impressive organizational skills.  

She actively volunteers her time and talents, excelling as a work experience student and contributing to her school’s badminton and basketball teams.   

She goes the extra mile by refereeing basketball, earning praise from her coaches for her positive attitude, determination, and reliability.   

Outside of school, Bertelsen is actively involved in the community through the Abbey Centre’s Junior Lifeguard Program. She is also a student with Lionheart Martial Arts and is a mentor to younger students with her kindness, expertise, and discipline. Her dedication and passion make her an invaluable asset.   

Bertelsen consistently surpasses expectations and is committed to making a positive impact on her school, community, and personal growth.   


Leaders of Tomorrow High School:  

Alice Frantz started volunteering last year when she joined the Abbey Centre’s Aquatics Volunteer Program.   

During her first year, Frantz immersed herself in enforcing aquatic policies and procedures, exemplifying punctuality and preparedness, and developing communication skills.   

Frantz is also a dedicated Snow Angel alongside her family, ensuring the safety of residents by clearing snow from their properties.   

Her involvement in the Intergenerational Pen Pal Program further exemplifies her commitment to building connections and spreading positivity through heartfelt correspondence with seniors.   

With her dedication and support, the FCSS volunteer programs have continued to thrive, and provide essential assistance to seniors in the community.   
